**Video Poker, Keno, Slots, 21** Gaming machines > Bally EVO and EVO hybrid.

Bally EVO Comm Link error motherboard?

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Hi just got a deal on an EVO game that is getting the multimedia comm link error which I am pretty sure is an issue with the Bally motherboard thats above the monitor

now my question is it seems to be seated but for some reason the power lights are not li? are they suppose to be? the ones that have the various voltage. Could it be the motherboard battery? or something else

Tested the lithium  battery it was only reading half volt and will need to find a new 3.6v lithium

Here is a photo of the board. Anyone notice anything obvious?

I don't think the battery would cause no lights on the circuit board and yes all4 lights should be on. I seem to remember from when I had a few Bally Evil machines that you had to make shore the board was in the little plastic tracks and push it in pretty hard and they would still loose connection sometimes for some reason. So I would check the pins where they connect to the backplane check that all plugs are secure on the backplane (behind the monitor). those Evo machines are pretty cool if you can get it running but they are Evil panes in the ars to keep running.

Thanks so much. Any tricks to getting behind the monitor? Maybe I should remove it and look

I am getting further I seated the mpu board correctly got "MAINS SAFERAM SIGNATURE CORRUPTED. A SAFERAM CLEAR IS REQUIRED:

So I tried doing that with dipswitch #8 on same message so maybe I need to order a CLEAR-02 EPROM


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