**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines > IGT S2000 and Vision Games

replace the "frost" on glass.

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Retro tech repair:
anyone know what they use for this. i have a machine that its flaking off on it. i am tempted to just scrape it off and cut a piece of frosted vinyl on my plotter to replace it.

There's a lot of good topics on the old forum.  Do a search on frost.


In the old days, real glass was frosted by the application of an acid. More recently, it is sand-blasted.
However today, Rust-O-Leum and Krylon (and probably others) make specific glass-frosting sprays in cans,
which will work on real glass and acrylic.

Try a Lowes near you: they will carry it.

The Krylon and Rustoleum products will be no better than the original S2000 frosts used. Many times, while cleaning glass, stars or lines are "drifted", just with the use if Windex. I'm not so sure it was acid based etch..if it was, I shouldn't have been able to move it around on the glass??? It was def an overlay of some kind.

In the past, members have found frosting the glass from the backside to be an acceptable an durable replacement method...


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