**Video Poker, Keno, Slots, 21** Gaming machines > IGT AVP (Including G20,G23)

G20 Telltale battery and other issues...

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Retro tech repair:

--- Quote from: Tilt on March 07, 2022, 11:19:28 AM ---I wish there was a way to ditch the telltale battery in the AVPs too.  Without a set of schematics for the boards it's tough to do and from what I understand IGT didn't publish schematics for these machines, only wiring diagrams.

--- End quote ---

I just got my first avp and that is on my short list on things to figure out. The early 2.5,3.0 trimlines look like they would be easy enough to test i get my brainbox today and plan to test it soon. The later backplanes i have seen schematics for and they are a lot more complicated but i don’t have one of those backplanes to test on.

Hope you are successful.  I only have a single AVP machine (G23V2) and the telltale battery is mounted on the cabinet controller board (aka Blackfin board) which plugs into the backplane.  I removed the battery from the board, extended the leads, and put in in a place where if it does decide to leak one day it won't damage anything.  I think the machine not only monitors the battery voltage, but charging current as well.  I had one that kept giving me a Telltale battery low tilt, but it measured 3.6VDC when checked with a DMM.  I tried replacing it with three AA batteries and a diode to block the charging current (somewhat common in the pinball world), but that didn't work either.  So I replaced it with a 3AA NiMh battery pack for a cordless phone and it's worked fine ever since. 

Here's a photo of my Cabinet Controller Board that the battery used to reside on.


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