**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines > Bally Electromechanical

Bally 1084 Handle Gearbox Broken, Never seen one like this before?

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I'm working on a machine for a customer.. It's a Bally model 1084 from Dublin.. It's a "Tivoli" Funland Symbols, Hold & Draw... The Linkage on the handle gearbox are broken, and I've never seen one like this before, (see pics).. I was wondering if I can put a normal/regular handle gearbox in for a replacement.. I don't see why not, since nothing looks different on the reel assemble, but once I swapped it out, now the reels won't spin? They go right into a locked position once the handles pulled? If I take the reels out and bench test spin them, they spin and stop as they should?? Is it just that the reels linkages need to be re-adjusted, or does it need that special handle gearbox..

Thanks, Gary

jim k-falls:
Hey Gary, have you taken the broken one apart and matched up the linkages? if there the same, my guess is your right about the adjustment..kinda makes you wonder what made it break..no lube or mabe the stops ?  keep us posted on this.

Well so far I've found about a half dozen thing wrong with the reels assembly.  The first reel stop is really tight and binding. It will not allow the wiper contacts to come all the way back to the first set of contacts on the wiper board? The reel stop levers and rollers are bent and worn, plus having the incorrect springs (see pic) installed.. The owner said it sheared the roll pin in the back shaft on the handle side..  No wonder with all the extra spring tension.. Also found two of the 3 springs on the bottom for the reels timing links were wrong too.. After about another 30 minutes I noticed that the #1 reels linkage had what I thing is called a latch paw on the wrong side of one lever. Once that was corrected my bind on the #1 reel wiper was gone, and now it has full range of movement.. I no longer feel like I'm in a arm wrestling contest when I cycle the reels. I like it when the owners say I never had any problems with it until it broke :banghead:. It cycles the reels nice and smooth on the bench. Tomorrow I'll put it in the cabinet and hope for the same.. This is the first time I've ever had a chance to work on a machine with a hold feature.  :cool_thumb_up:

Jim.. Did you ever get that Bally 47 that was up the coast?


jim k-falls:
I did! it needed a new home and I got her running in no time..its actually the first hold and draw that ive worked on..just debating on how to fix the glass..Got some ideas from dave aka fatman, and im still researching .

Well I've just finished testing the repaired reels assemble, and it seems to be working correctly..  :applause: :dancing_2:   I have a couple small things to still address, mostly lights bulbs.. I need to address a over pay on the hopper, but I figure doing maintenance on the hopper will solve that.. I have never played a machine with the hold feature, does anyone know if you can only hold 1 reel or should I be able to hold 2 if I wanted?  :Scratch-Head: The glass doesn't say, just says you can use the hold option.. One other question... Bally hoppers on the EM machines count coins one of two way, mechanical count, and using a set of contacts and a solenoid to advance the counter.. This hopper is mechanical, but also has a set of contacts?? (See Pic) Not sure want they are for.. Anyone seen this before?? 

Thanks Gary


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