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Looking for a Game King but just don't know where to start?


 Well, up until very recently I was in the same boat as you. That is, if you want to get a Game King and know absolutely nothing about them other than they sure are fun to play.

You see, I was under the impression that GK's came into being after 2000. I live in California, where the law on slot machines for home use is they have to be at least 25 years old, so I always assumed I'd have to wait till after 2025 to get one. So I never really put a lot of thought into it, thinking that the time was way down the road. That changed when I just only very recently saw one made in December 1995. Suddenly, the future is (almost) NOW!

So I went on this website basically seeking a crash course Game King. I made a post, Can you help a newbie get it right? at http://newlifegames.com/nlg/index.php?PHPSESSID=8253c649a16cada914f0b3b8489d7277&topic=23182.0 and it, as this is written, has lead to 33 replies. What follows is kind of a one-post summary of odds, ends, tidbits and links provided mainly by the wonderfully helpful members here. May God bless them all! I'm making this in the hopes that it brings you an easily accessible whompin' stompin' pile of good GK learning. Hopefully it will be stickied for the ease of other possible future GK owners.

Sorry in advance for such a lo-o-o-ng poste but I am going to try to include whatever I learned that may come in handy for someone.  Of course anything mentioned is only the opinion of whoever wrote it and it was all given freely, so if something mentioned here doesn't work out well for you do not assign any liability.

So anyway, here comes a big glob of info and, hopefully, for whoever reads this (if anyone does), there well be enough here to learn at least something useful.

I started by asking 12 questions, and here are some of the answers given to them, (sort of edited by me) in the form of facts, which I have no reason to  believe aren't true, given by the fabulous responders.

* They probably came out in around '96 (24 years ago).
* A good price to pay depends on what games are on the machine and condition, and games the machines will support. A machine I used as an example, at $900, was suggested that perhaps half that would be a much better price for what was offered.
* Weight of some machines was guessed at around 250 pounds.
* Retail stores will charge much more than private parties.
* Machines can usually be upgraded. The games that come with the machine will not necessarily be the only ones you will ever have on the machine.
* Try not to pay too much for a machine. Newer versions may not be so much more expensive than older ones due to age.
* Use common sense when working on your machine. They are not always that difficult to work with. Parts are pretty available when needed, and don't seem like they are overly expensive.
* You may pay some pretty good money to someone to work on your machine when you have problems, but you can also get a lot of help on this website when things go wrong, have a pretty good chance of getting it done yourself, and save quite a bit of money.
* If you are interested in buying a certain machine, come to this website and discuss it with the friendly people here first. They've helped me with a lot of great info already, so this just might be the best advice of them all!
What follows are some more answers to questions, facts, factoids, interesting quotes, etc., probably in no particular logical order.

There are a lot of Game Kings in California and they come up all the time.

Likely prices will drop as time goes on.

Someone bought their machine for $500 in Nevada, had a CRT monitor.

You need a key chip, which is inexpensive, if you want to play different games.

After you get the machine you probably won't want to sell it.

Someone mentioned they were an idiot electronically but with the help of this website he got it set up the way he likes it.

They really aren't bad at all to work with, there's MANY helpful members here.

The earliest games are probably 3802 (which are MPU numbers and not model numbers) machines.
3802's have fewer games than 3902's. Read this thread to learn more about the difference between the two: http://newlifegames.com/nlg/index.php?topic=11963.0

It might not be really expensive to upgrade from 3802 to 3902.

3902 games, its been said, have better sounds and graphics than 3802 games.

The next upgrade after a 3902 is a 044, which requires a new motherboard as well.

"All GK 6.0 versions are for 044 only (NOT 3902)"(So I guess this means that anything you see 6.0 or higher you'll probably need an 044).

"GK 6.0 will NOT work on 3902."

But, apparently, to play 3902 games on a 044, you need a "legacy adaptor board."

"For your 3902 platform, 4.0, 4.3, 5.0(simm) software will work, has poker, keno, slots, blackjack."

Differences between 3802, 3902 and 044:
"It is hard to tell by just looking at the machine. You would have to look at the mpu board. 3802 is all eprom based, no simms. 3902 has simms and eproms. 044 uses a flash board. That is how you can tell in a nutshell. 044 systems can run 3902 and 3802 software. 3902 systems can run 3802 software. Depending on your geographical area, the prices between all 3 can vary. On average you can expect to see about $200 price differences between each platfrom, with 3802 being the least expensive." (thanks, RickHunter).

What you should have spares of:"Granted, some of the components inside might have seen a lot of service time, but that is the reason why you should have spares of your power supply, mpu board, and possibly your monitor as these are the things that usually give issues with age. Power supplies and monitors in particular."

To learn more about Game Kings, do a Game King search and read about them on the site, grab a coffee and just start reading.

There is a webpage that has lots (but perhaps not necessarily ALL) of Game King game programs:

TITO cards can allow you to personalize Titos and also use a button to add credits to your machine, see them at http://newlifegames.com/nlg/index.php?topic=4347.0

I come from a mechanical background and am good with wiring and electronics but honestly those skills haven't even been needed, I find GK's to be very easy to work with and ofc we're all here should any issues arise but they are (IMO) VERY well made and very user/operator friendly.

While I haven't read every want ad for GK's in this website, I did see at some point someone bought a
GK for $250, and someone once had 4 of them for sale for $1000.

You'll find that people don't always give accurate information, so please don't take everything you read here-or anywhere on the internet, as 100% truth, and much more importantly, please go easy on anyone giving their time trying to be of help if they mistakenly don't give you 100% correct information!).

I also put up a number of links I found interesting. Here they are with some (small bit of) comment for each:

Tips on transporting a Game King

"Changing Game King 4.3 Chips" at

Differences between 3902 and 044 (also 5.0 and 5.3, 6.0 is recommended)

There is a big difference between a CRT and an LCD monitor. Here is a page on upgrading to an LCD, which includes a great sid by side picture of the two:

Here's a good page on changing games:

Heres a thread on "How to clear an IGT Game king and which clear chip?"
More on whats on chips:

Blackjack game options:

Adding credits without coins, bills or titos

What games are on at least some chips? Read this:
Here are the games on GK 5.0
Good explanations of what games are on what chips:

Converting a GK from 13" CRT to 15" LCD (includes a good-side-by-side comparison):

Just got Game King and it fails to initialize:

How to use a keychip
Key 22 installation instructions:
Which keychip should I use:
http://newlifegames.com/nlg/index.php?topic=284.0Handling an 044 and installing a keychip 28 (video)
How to set up an 044 after using the key 28 chip (video, it follows the previous one)

A guy fixed a horrible GK problem:
The machine stinks. What can be done?

3802 to 3902 swap info (includes mention of 044 and 13" cabinets):

Setting up more games on the GK:

3902 and 044 differences
3902 game titles:
Link to 044 game titles:
Swapping from 3902 to 044:

Instructions for installing games:

Inspecting the MPU when you buy a machine:

I'm sure there is much more to learn than what I mentioned, but I hope there is at least enough to help you to learn a few things. Thanks to all you terrific NLG people for helping me out and being encouraging and hope this post helps pay it forward a little. If NLG would like to sticky this, please feel free!

NLG forever! :)

Thank you for this post!

Honestly, I just purchased my first machine (ok I actually won it by bidding on it for a charity auction). I can't wait to go pick it up and this post will be super helpful as I get started!

Rob in AK:

--- Quote from: GarrettB on October 25, 2022, 07:57:58 PM ---Honestly, I just purchased my first machine (ok I actually won it by bidding on it for a charity auction). I can't wait to go pick it up and this post will be super helpful as I get started!

--- End quote ---

That's awesome! A win for the charity and a win for you! If its not working when you get it I'm sure everyone here will help get it going.


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