NLG Users Repair Logs and Other Ramblings. Request your very own topic. Just ask any site staff. > Buzz's General Insanity. Enter at your own Risk !!!

Buzz would of laughed his ass off at me for doing this!....haha

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I had an accident a few minutes ago while working late at night out here on the east coast on an S+.
I'm okay but of course, I'm embarrassed as

I was walking towards Frankenstein and tripped over a bright extension cord that was kinda across the floor from another little project.
How could I not see it? I PUT it there!!  :duh:
As I'm hurtling towards earth (The lower slot stand) I reached out to break my fall.

.......but it happened so fast.

The palm of my hand hits the lower counter where Frankenstein sit on and
wouldn't you know it....sitting in that spot is an upside down 8-pin 24C04 motherboard chip I left there from before.

Well, when I turned my hand around to see what was stuck in it, I was like shocked to see it was the 8-pin chip.

I realized that I just stabbed myself simultaneously 8 times in a split second.
I stared at the chip knowing exactly what it was and was thinking "Now, that wasn't so bad wasn't it?"Just pull it out right?

The next few seconds seemed like an eternity.
The pain was excruciating to say the least.
As I pulled on the top of the chip body with my right fingers, it felt like 8 knives slowly being pulled out of my body.
Sonuvabeeeeeeech that hurts!  :rotfl:

All I could think of was Buzz probably looking at me with his hands on his hips saying "There ya go you dummy! You dog gone done it good to yourself"
I KNOW that's what he would of said because one time we were talking on the cellphone and that's EXACTLY what he screamed when he stubbed his toe into the corner of a bedpost.
He didn't spare any details!  :24:

This one's for you up there buddy! haha

All i could think of was ...ohhh nooo... I hope he didn't bend any pins!?!?

hahaha....nope, all nice and straight!  :arrowthruhead:

I JUST noticed this!!!  :rotfl:

My question is... was the chip embedded in the "socket" (your skin), in the correct direction?  :24:

Didn't something like this happen to Doc-Oct in one of the spiderman movies.
If you left it there perhaps you would have spouted a couple of slot handles.

Hopefully you didn't get an infection... is your tetanus and flux shots up to date.


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