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Ebola.... NLG's Featured Post of the Week

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I agree, some better facts need to be presented.  Needs to be better facts on how to avoid how its spread etc...  I may be called a conspiracy theorist but I have a feeling our gov and some big time drug companies are involved in this as well.   Another attempt to take our minds of some of the other crap going on in the world, the tactics of pitting us against each other had stopped working so well.  I live about 30 miles or less from that hospital where this guy is being treated, yeah I do worry but what can I really do.  Right now its one person that we know about.  The part I find funny is this, we imported two sick doctors and had them cured in a matter of days.  Someone asked the other day, why can't you just give this guy the same stuff you gave the doctors who were sick, the response was that is no longer available.  MAKE SOME MORE FOLKS!

Wish us all luck, think we may need it.


I wonder that even accounting for USA ineptitude we will still be OK  :waving_flag: ........... or zombies  :dancing_2:

As mike stated, and some others I really think this is a pure MESS.  I am worried -More for my Kids/children.  I actually think this was a intended event with this.  Next thing will be Half-infected ebola bictims be-heading folks.    Enjoy slots and gaming equip. pinballs, arcade machines and cherish your kids, family and anything else you can think of.  Go obamma --Hey he was from Africa tech. also?  -- :duh: :agreepost:  - No, I am not a hatter before it begins but enough is enough.  Wonder when He will be flying in anytime soon to check on things there.

Ebola is certainly scary, more so about the fatality rate vs recovery.  Its actually classified as a moderate risk due to the spread occurs thru contact with bodily fluids of an infected patient and not airborne, thankfully. I don't believe they are contagious during the incubation period only after they start exhibiting symptoms.  With the texas case,that guy had contact with a family which had members known to have had ebola.  Why this wasn't determined immediately just goes to show that airport security is not as high in other countries. 

The biggest contributor to this outbreak was that sick individuals were directed to health care facilities, thus exposing more people.   As opposedto quarantining    in the home, which is what they have started doing. 

In the midst of all this chaos is Enterovirus D68 which i see as a more serious and perntant threat at this time.  Particularly disturbing is the recent rash of neurologic illnesses and paralysis that has been occurring in effected children.  Earlier they announced a Rhode Island girl infected with Enterovirus d68 died from a combination of the virus and a rare staph infection. 
Very scary stuff that can be avoided by good hygiene practices, hand washing and surface disinfection.

Anyway, thats my rant and my professional opinion,  my full-time job Is a Director of Public Health. 


Today the news revealed that the Dallas Ebola patient completed a questionnaire before leaving Liberia asking specifically if he had been in contact with or around anyone infected with or who had died from Ebola....he answered NO, when later he admitted he had been helping a pregnant woman and her family who had come down with Ebola ....Nice that he was so selfish that he felt it was ok to lie about something that could kill thousands/millions of people, just because he wanted to come to US.

Apparently, completing the questionnaire and getting your body temp taken is routine for now when leaving Liberia.


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