**Video Poker, Keno, Slots, 21** Gaming machines > IGT Fortune 1 Sircoma/Poker

Sircoma SG 103, question

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I enjoyed reading that history article too. Here's one that is as good or maybe better, from our own NLG member badbaud. You may have already known this, it was a treat for me to read:


Shadow-moses --- this link below will take you to the old NLG website Sircoma area that still has a lot of info, you might find something helpful on the Sircoma machines. If the old site asks for a password and username just hit enter, it isn't required there anymore.



--- Quote from: RiseLikeRa on July 12, 2016, 08:06:41 AM ---Since I now have 4 of the of the old IGT, Sicoma, Fortune Coin games I really enjoyed reading the history.  Thank you and Thank NLG.


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Which one of the Sircoma machines do you have? Do you find it similar to the Fortune I machines?

Sircoma I have the rare TV Dice game.  I have never seen another one.  The game is EXACTLY like the 2 IGT games that I have.  The older Fortune Coin game is from 1979 i believe and is primitive as heck but works 100%  Pictures of all of my games,except the newest IGT Caesars Palace Slot machine, are on my profile.  I was warned to stay away from the old IGT games but I am already addicted. 



--- Quote from: RiseLikeRa on July 12, 2016, 08:43:47 AM ---Sircoma I have the rare TV Dice game.  I have never seen another one.  The game is EXACTLY like the 2 IGT games that I have.  The older Fortune Coin game is from 1979 i believe and is primitive as heck but works 100%  Pictures of all of my games,except the newest IGT Caesars Palace Slot machine, are on my profile.  I was warned to stay away from the old IGT games but I am already addicted. 


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I thought they might be similar but haven't seen or worked on either. You have a wonderful collection and room!

Thank you so much.  I have worked on my game room for 11 years.  Unfortunately I find myself in the position that I must move.  Life has many twists and turns.



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