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classifieds ?
I'm logged in and there is no tab to post a wanted ad, what goes on ? Thanks.
Only CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS and up can create new ads in the NLG Classifieds. All others users can only reply to existing ads.
Joey started allowing regular members to post WTB in Classifieds, since it supports the site members and vendors. I need to change this in the description, which I will get to eventually. :arrowthruhead:
You should see the NEW TOPIC tab just above the start of the ad listings. Can you post a screen shot?
Edited answer: (more at the bottom)
I miswrote! Yes non-contributors can have ads in classifieds but the moderators must move the ad there. I had done a test but failed to make my mock member a regular member. I failed to see that "senior" was still checked in the drop down menu for other memberships. (I knew this but losing my mind! :banghead:) So no, this won't be changed and non-contributors will, by default, not be able to post there. But once their WTB ad is moved there, anyone can reply.
Pretty sure I have it figured out. I switched credit cards a couple months ago and forgot to update my info with NLG. Thanks guys. KAD
--- Quote from: KAD on January 21, 2024, 11:15:35 AM ---Pretty sure I have it figured out. I switched credit cards a couple months ago and forgot to update my info with NLG. Thanks guys. KAD
--- End quote ---
Thank you for renewing membership. :applause:
Still it should have worked when you were just "regular." I just did a test to check this out.
Regardless, thanks again for supporting the site!
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