G23 Vertical top display mod 2.0!
Since I did this mod originally and posted the end result a year ago here:
https://newlifegames.com/nlg/index.php?topic=41751.0There have been some nice improvements, with all "in stock" components if anyone is looking to do a vertical screen mod now vs my original post.
Displays are cheaper, and there's now another option other than using a rotating mount screen mount for the tall display to still play horizontal top screen games.
The original 1080p display I used sold out some time ago as it was an older model "dumb TV", and HDTV's with no Apps or OS on them are even harder to find. But, dropping prices for newer displays made the mod even better IMHO. But as with anything that is "in stock" or on sale for a greate price now. That can change, and specific displays can just go out of stock and never come back. Sure, a different model display can always pop up later at a great deal. But I did this "updated 2.0" mod on two other machines, and used a much better display that's available now for $195 at WalMart. And after putting this newer display on another machine. I was so impressed by it, that I picked up a second one, and replaced the existing tall display with one of them on my BB2E > Gamefield xD conversion machine as well.
This same kind of mod can also be done on a BB2/BB3 Conversion machine if you prefer tall screen games. For a WMS machine you actually remove the original top display, and you just need to use any kind of mount that will hold it securly in place and at the right height. But it should be noted that on WMS machines you can't open the main door with it there, so a mount that allows it to be simply released with a quick release plate, or pulled out and moved to the side, or with any method so you can easily open the main door is important. This isn't a problem on G23's as the main door opens fine with the tall screen in place.
The best part is having WalMart+, so the display was delivered for free in about an hour from my local Walmart store!
Some component changes, some the same. The main quest was finding a decent, yet inexensive display with the original one being out of stock everywhere now.
I wasn't sure about a HiSense model from WalMart. But after looking at the specs. The price was right, good customer reviews, and it weighs about the same. Only annoyance was EVERY reference to the specific model number listed it's VESA pattern as 200x200. WRONG. When I received it, the VESA pattern was actually the less common 200x400 size. Which wasn't really logical with it being so light. But no different really. You just need to convert/connect a display mount that's usually VESA 100x100 to whatever the tall display you're putting on it has. So as specs vs what you actually get can change. Should you get this specific display, I would wait to visually confirm the actual VESA pattern before getting the necessary VESA adapter plate. But with that said, the adapter plate listed below will adapt pretty much any VESA pattern other than 400x400, rarely seen since Plasma TV's. so it can be mounted to a quick release plate.
Really important so you can have it all assembled and easily attach/remove the display from the mount easily. You're just mounting this VESA 100x100 quick release plate to the larger VESA mount found on large screens. Some display mounts may even come with a quick release plate already. Then you don't need a seperate quick release plate. The mount just needs to be adapted to fit a TV's larger VESA pattern, and not a typical PC monitor which are almost always the smaller VESA 100x100. The larger adapter plate can adapt a VESA 100x100 to almost any display up to VESA 200x400.
The updated components!
Available right now to walk in and pick up, or have delivered same day, (at least at my local WalMart) for $195.
43" display, which when vertical, is also is pretty much even the width of a G23's cabinet so it doesn't look odd when mounted. It does have Roku built in. But if you never connect it to a network, it works as a dumb TV just fine. And it usually remembers which HDMI port you had it set to when it was powered off. No app screens come up by default. Change your mind down the road and remove it? Hey, no loss, you have a 43" TV with Roku to put anywhere!
It's also a 4k display!! Would seem like overkill, except it upscales! Unusual for a brand like HiSense, but it has it. It's a little thinner, and almost the same weight as the 1080p screen from the original mod, roughly 17lbs.
The picture when connected to an AVPs top display is impressive. With good picture control adjustments to tweak it as you prefer it to look. Best display I've found for the purpose at such a low price!
Updated components:
The improved display I used:
https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hisense-43-Class-4K-UHD-LED-LCD-Smart-Roku-TV-HDR-R6-Series-43R6E3/213300402VESA Adapter Plate:
The HiSense display I received had a less common VESA pattern. It "says" it's 200x200 VESA everywhere online, but it was actually 400X200. But you need an adapter plate to mount any display that isn't a smaller PC monitor. This one below will work for almost any display, but also fits VESA 200x400 on a display. Most multi size adapter plates don't adapt the VESA 400x200 size, but this one will and is very sturdy, comes with bolts, but you'll likely want slightly longer ones. To complete the "sandwiching" of adapters, you'll likely visit your local hardware store a few times so you have all the right ones you need.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MCMTCP3VESA Quick Release adapter:
You absolutely need this so you can click it on and off the mount arm easily! But, you don't absolutely need a mount arm. The mount can be a fixed mount, as long as the mount has a "hole mount" option and not just a clamp mount. You really only need height adjustment, and some tilt adjustment. The taller the pole is for the mount gives you more flexibility on height adjustment to easily get it right where you want. And many display mounts already have a quick release plate on them. If it has one included, you don't need the above Quick Release plate. You'll just be bolting the included 100x100 VESA plate to the larger VESA Adapter plate to secure the display so it locks onto the mount's VESA 100x100 size.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BTAAUV8 And the actual display mount of course. Ignore the display "sizes" that a mount says it supports, that's not really a gauge to go by. All that matters is the weight it supports. The more weight supported is of course better, but gets more expensive, your discretion of course. My mount arms support 23lbs, the display is 17lbs, and it works just fine. Fixed mounts usually support more weight than gas charged arm mounts, and are much cheaper. Just ensure the mount has the features you need, in case you want to be able to rotate it, or actually move it to the side of the machine and out of the way entirely at times, or if you're going to keep it in place. Nothing wrong with being creative as long as it has a hole mounting option. Otherwise you'll need to do something like screw a 1.5ft long 2x6 on the top of the machine on the back edge of cabinet to use a clamp mount, and it's further back, so you need to ensure the mount can extend out long enough out to hold the display at the front of the machine. Do your measurements when looking at mounts, if it doesn't extend far enough when the center mount pole is attached via the hole where the light candle or light topper is now, it's a real drag to get a different mount!
Also, for some it wasn't clear. The top display doesn't need DVI input, that really limits your display option. I used a simple 10ft DVI>HDMI cable to connect the tall display to the brainbox through the inside of the cabinet. For power to the tall display, my G23 machine has an internal 110v AC power outlet that's always on when the machine is plugged in whether it's actually powered on or not. So a simple ungrounded 10 ft household extension cord does the job as few displays even have a ground plug and don't use much power at all. And is fed up through the cabinet along with the HDMI cable out the top of the machine. Not all G23 variants have one. But if you don't have one in your machine, simply feed a 10ft light indoor extension cord through the back that's always connected to power, and up through the machine and out the top for a clean look. In either case the display always has power to it. Too bad the brainbox doesn't support ARC! lol If it did, the tall display would power on and off with the machine automatically.
The most recent major improvement! I took a gamble, and it worked great! The main reason for the tall mod was for my favortie game, CSI. Turns out, the PSR's fib a bit in some cases!

While Back to the Future must run as the only game enabled. CSI for example runs totally fine in multigame when it says it won't. Other tall screen games that required an IPC also ran fine in multigame. Didn't test Godzilla (I probably should!). But it just might work in multigame just the same regardless of what the PSR says.
But I also had some 25+ regular horizontal top screen games I wanted to run in multigame as well, and rotating the top screen was kind of pain. So I went hunting for video scalers and image rotator boxes to convert the horizontal top screen games for vertical, without it displaying all smushed!
With a few days of searching, I finally found one. Except all suppliers for this rotator box in the US wanted like $350 for the thing! Crazy, especially for a gamble whether it would actually work right and have decent output. Enter Aliexpress! Idential box for $95! That was worth the gamble. And it only took about 10 days to arrive.
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003512851514.htmlJust plugs inline so the HDMI from the brainbox goes to the rotator box, then a short HDMI from the rotator box to the tall display.
Very happy with the results all things considered. Now I never need to rotate the screen. I think I might even replace the gas charged arm with a fixed mount now. When you switch games to one that displays horizontal on the top display. Just press the button on the box and the top image rotates so it's oriented properly, if you switch back to a tall screen game, just press the button again. Well worth the $95!
It's not "perfect" with all games. But going through them, they generally look pretty good with the games I load and don't display too smushed. Certainly not required, but I'd recommend it. Without it, you can of course always rotate the top screen when switching to a horizontal top screen game with a mount that rotates 90 degrees. I just like leaving it vertical, so this image rotator box really pulled it all together.
All in all, if you want to make your G23 fresh and "interesting", and have already tried some tall screen games where the top screen displays sideways. If you get the display, and the right parts to hold the display, and just adapt the displays VESA pattern to the VESA pattern on the mount. It's an easy weekend project. And still easily removed anytime you want.
I put a lot of work into mine, and also had an IPC so more tall games were available to run. But my local shot shop guy who helps me out a lot when I'm looking for machine or parts, and sold my my first G23 saw my tall screen mod on a Standard screen G23 with The Hangover running on it. And he just happened to have a customer who REALLY wanted The Hangover and was willing to pay big for it.
So I ended up installing the IPC itself inside the machine on top of the brainbox where there was enough space and ventilation. And gave him that Standard screen G23 with the tall screen mod and the IPC now inside the machine running The Hangover for a clean look. And in exchange, he gave me TWO complete G23's. One MLD and one Standard screen. Was a solid trade for me, and I'm sure he made a decent profit selling the complete Hangover machine with the IPC inside to his buyer who just had to have that game. So I see another tall screen mod coming, perhaps with more enhancements on one of the G23's I got in the deal!
Hope this helps anyone who might want to do a mod like this. If you've done a similar mod, interested to see it, as well as any suggestions for improvements!
Pics below using the HiSense 4k display with CSI which displays tall natively. As well as how it looks with a few horizontal top screen games, where the video rotator box is correcting the orientation so the screen doesn't need to be rotated.