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*Found Thx! WTB - Super Times Pay 16" top glass


Looking for a 16" Super Times pay top glass. Same as pictured, just in a 16".

Harvs :facepalm:

I have this one looks the same,NOTE it says super lucky  ,pete


--- Quote from: brokenticker on March 22, 2014, 07:28:48 PM ---I have this one looks the same,NOTE it says super lucky  ,pete

--- End quote ---
Hmmm. I will see if I have that belly.. It's a clone, same SB..

I'll get back to you tomorrow. Thanks Pete

Belly pic and strips


--- Quote from: brokenticker on March 22, 2014, 10:41:02 PM ---Belly pic and strips

--- End quote ---
I may just take the kit.. I'll PM ya.


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