New Life Games LLC

**Video Poker, Keno, Slots, 21** Gaming machines => WMS Williams Video => Topic started by: sideslope on February 18, 2020, 06:39:25 AM

Title: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: sideslope on February 18, 2020, 06:39:25 AM
Hi all,

I have been a member for a couple of years over on the I-Game forum. Now I'm going to jump in to a BB1, or BB2 slot machine. BUT, BAMM, I have the same problem I had starting out with I-Game. There's not a thread that helps kick start people that are new to the platform.

So, probably like everyone in this group, you did what I did. I spent the entire night reading posts and posts and posts and I still don't know anything about these slot machines. Here is what I have gleaned so far:

BB1 is the first version and refers to the CPU

BB1.5 - I have no idea what changed from BB1

BB2 - new cpu and a hard drive inside the cabinet

These machines take FLASH cards (big ones that I haven't seen before) to hold the games.

These machines need a specific O/S to go along with the game card (they have to be matched in order for it to work)

Some machines have dual screens (One top/One bottom) but it looks like both BB1 and BB2 can come this way.

TITO (Ticket In Ticket Out) - You can add a board to these machines so it will accept tickets back in so you can reduce your use of cash BUT there is no reference to a good place to buy these boards

You can write games to FLASH cards and OS's if you get a good (FLASH Writer/ROM burner/Something) but there is no reference or recommendations for such a unit

Also, there is no good info on where you can find the games/OS files to put on these FLASH cards.

The last thing I found out in my travels is that there is no game list around. I found some partial lists here and there but that's about it. They also weren't clear on if they worked with BB1, BB1.5, BB2.

There was also a post talking about firmware versions, some games have been updated to work on BB2 that were made for BB1, etc...

The big take away from this is that we need a sticky beginners guide. Something that explains the CPU's, differences, and answers most of these basic questions that I listed above. That way folks like me don't need to spend all night going through posts trying to piece together enough info to ruin our first machine we buy. So as I go through this painful process I will put it all in to a post like the title says above and then see if an admin can sticky it. We'll save a lot of questions and help many entering the slot hobby.

Here's the ask. If you have any information on the following, please post here or let me know and I'm going to start adding it to the top of this thread, and sometime soon hopefully it will be a sticky and life will be easier:

1. Write up between BB1, BB1.5 and BB2.
2. The type of flash cards used in these machines
3. OS/Game Matrix (what OS goes with which games)
4. TITO Information - where can you buy these boards, which machines they work with, installation videos/guides
5.Game list with the machine it will run on (BB1, BB2). As much as possible at least.
6. Resources to find the game files/OS files (as much as possible without breaking any rules/laws)
7. Flash Card Burner recommendations

Lastly just usable info about these machines like years BB1 was around, when BB2 came out or any other useful information you can think of.

Thanks for any help you provide.

Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on February 19, 2020, 11:23:40 AM
I think we had a thread like this on the old site, but not sure anymore.  Here on a nutshell is what you requested.

1. BB1, BB1.5, BB2 and Blade are the cabinet types.
    a.  BB1 was the first bluebird cabinet, it came with single and dual screens.  The single and dual screens have a main processing unit (MPU) called CPUNXT.  There are two variants:  Green older and was actively cooled, used a 700mhz pentium III processor.  Blue is newer, is passively cooled (no cpu fan) and runs at 650Mhz (yes it is slower, but it doesn't make a lick of difference).  Max memory is 512MB.  The dual screen version has an additional cpu that controls the top monitor and has it's flash card inside it.  The CPUNXT MPU will only drive 1 monitor.

    b.  BB1.5 was a cabinet used in the transition between BB1 and BB2.  It is basically a dual screen BB1 (although the top screen is not controlled by an independent cpu like the original dual screen bb1), the top box is not as tall since they basically squeezed the second monitor on a standard 16" topbox, the original bb1 dual screens were about 4 inches taller.  The big difference is that it has the MPU used on a BB2 called CPUNXT2.  One of the benefits is that the top screen will display the topbox graphic on the monitor, thus eliminating the need for the glass kits.  The CPUNXT2 (Pentium 4 1.5Ghz based, Max Memory 2GB) mpu will drive 2 monitors.  Uses a Hard Drive or SSD to pre-load the game for faster load and gameplay.

   c.   BB2 is a full fledged bluebird 2 cabinet.  Standard cabinets have dual 22 inch wide screens and use OLED button panels.

  d.  Blade is the last generation cabinet manufactured under the WMS name (now the company is called Scientific Games).  It is an all new cabinet style with dual 23inch screens and uses the next generation MPU CPUNXT3.x (there are various versions, commonly 3.0, 3.2 and 3.5 the latter having a newer video card but all use a core i5 at 2.4ghz, Max memory 4GB).  This MPU will drive 2 monitors.  Uses SSD (DOM module) for faster load and gameplay.

All cabinet types have variants with a vertically mounted 32 inch screen and some with a "Meta" screen, basically 32 inch screen mounted horizontally.  The latter two were usually for licensed games like monopoly, price is right, etc.  Some don't have a top screen, instead having special top boxes with lights, etc.  Again these were specialized cabinets to run a specific game.  Some had both, the lightboxes and the screens, again for specialized games.  All cabinet types also have stepper versions.

All these cabinets and MPU's use software stored on Compact Flash cards.  These are the same cards used in digital cameras, although nowadays they are only used on higher end Dslr's as the point and shoots have moved to SD cards in general.

The OS/Game matrix is too extensive to post, but in a nutshell if you buy a game, it will detail the OS Family required to run it and then you get an OS that matches that.

BB1 games will ONLY run on CPUNXT MPU's
BB2 games will run on CPUNXT2 MPU's although some games will also run on CPUNXT MPU's depending on the game.  Basically older BB2 games will run fine on BB1 cabinets with CPUNXT mpu's.
BB3 games will ONLY run on a CPUNXT3.x mpu.

Bettor Slots sells a TITO board which will work with any of the cabinets above.  It will also work with IGT and Bally.  The only difference is the serial cable used to interface the TITO board with the cabinet.

A discussion regarding sources for game files, copying games, etc is in violation of the TOS and is not tolerated.  The manufacturers are always monitoring this forum and cease and desist letters have been received in prior years, and that is why it is now part of the TOS, we don't want NLG to get shut down.

Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: sideslope on February 19, 2020, 07:30:56 PM
What a great reply!

This is the kickstart I needed!

Thank you so much for posting all of this information. Definitely a Sticky post for new folks.

Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: Delma on April 04, 2021, 08:09:44 PM
Well looky here. Wish I found this months ago......... :banghead:
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: Mortal_One on May 28, 2021, 12:46:13 AM

How do you turn off the game counters, the clicking is crazy loud. For WMS BB2?
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on June 01, 2021, 05:50:52 AM
You need to replace your SJUR chip a Mississippi SJUR chip
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: greensurf on September 10, 2021, 02:10:14 AM
This post is a great idea, but seems it's having a difficult time getting more information.

I didn't see any years the machines were actually released, BB1, 2, or Blade.  I'm guessing 2004 for the bb1.

Youtube does have some videos on Clearing, and installing, configuring, but not many other videos.  For example converting a bb2 to transmissive reels. &  Converting a bb2 to a BB3 cpu. ??  Will a BB3 cpu be able to install and play all other games for BB2 as well?

What about the OLED panel, what happens when the lights go out, can you replace an LED, or do  you have to replace the whole panel? 

The most popular games, and the RAREST games to find ?   I know some of them, but I'm not sure, the prices people charge seem to be without reason.   Why are some games so much more cost than other games?  If many are being copied and sold, why aren't all of them being copied and sold (on ebay)? 

What about the XD cabinet?  I rarely see much info about that one, other than it's a BB2, but do they have a better cpu?  Would someone want an XD or is there a reason it's not as popular?

Is there any chance new games would be released for the BB2 in the future, by independent developers?  Is it even possible?

It seems that a lot can be done with these machines, including adding larger monitors etc, but is it only limited to the DVI compatible ones, or can you use a converter to HDMI?

I just got my first BB2, and so I'm extremely new, and I haven't even been able to explore it yet, I'm sure I will have more questions in the future, especially when issues come up.

Thanks for reading and if any replies, thanks.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on September 10, 2021, 01:50:45 PM
I didn't see any value on posting when the machines were introduced, but since it seems a point of interest.  BB1 2004, BB2 2008 and blade 2013.

The OLED panels in the player buttons are notoriously for going dark.  The actual gameplay is not affected, but obviously, you want them lit up.  You can buy a whole button and replace it, or you can also buy the little screen, take apart the button, and replace the screen.

A discussion on copying and selling is a violation of TOS on this site, plus the manufacturers monitor this site for such type of information, so best not to talk about that.

The reason for the high price in certain games is because of how rare they are.  These games are typically licensed titles that have someone else's copyright and thus their likeness is licensed for the casino to use it when deployed.  It is typically stipulated that the entire cabinet be destroyed upon retirement, but as it turns out some of them make it into the secondary market one way or another.  These games usually require the use of a hardware key to operate (we call them dongles).  Without the dongle, the software in the CF card will not operate (you will get a license error).  This is why these games are expensive.  If you go to a typical casino, you might see 3 or 4 of the licensed game (in a large casino), and 10 to 20 of the non-licensed games like bier haus, Jackpot Party, Life of Luxury, etc. (usually created by the manufacturer, so they hold all the rights).  These non-licensed thems are sold at auction when the games are retired, so they don't get destroyed.  Most of the newer games also require the use of a dongle, but because they are more plentiful and are not supposed to be destroyed at retirement, there are a lot more of them.  Obviously some of the more popular titles will fetch more money, as is the case with anything that is subject to supply and demand.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: greensurf on September 14, 2021, 08:50:18 PM
Thanks for the info, very interesting and makes sense.

Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on September 15, 2021, 07:54:16 PM
I neglected to address the XD cabinet.  It is nothing more than a slant top cabinet.  uses the same mpu.  The cabinet has either a cpunxt2 or a cpunxt3 on it.  The newer cabinets have a larger 32 inch monitor mounted on top, the original XD cabinets had the same 22 inch monitor as the main monitor.  The XD cabinets are also found with stepper variants.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: zitzapr on October 06, 2021, 08:15:11 AM
Thanks Great information.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: 61Wally on December 21, 2022, 09:05:38 PM
A FANTASTIC holiday season to ALL. Great information to start out on. I have a bb1 that a friend gave me and it’s my first WMS. The top monitor does NOT work, and My friend was told it needs a “FOOLER” board. Can anyone explain what this is and where to get one? Thank You for any assistance.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on December 22, 2022, 09:25:09 AM
post a photo of the insides of your topbox.  Some bb1 machines have the taller original dual screen setup which uses the "fooler" board.  Officially called a TSETSE flyboard, but known as a fooler board because it can be used to fool the system that it has the topbox required to run some games that lack topscreen graphics, but use a backlighted board with some static graphics  that light up amounts that are won during a bonus game.  Games like top gun, wizard of Oz, certain monopoly games, and men in black are some of the games that can be played using the "fooler" board.  The tsetse board can be typically found on e-bay and sells typically just under $200 now.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: kodyturbo on June 19, 2023, 08:07:33 AM
I have never owned a slot machine and i know nothing about them but i found a bb1 jackpot party machine for sale for 750.00 so any thoughts on this machine and price
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on June 22, 2023, 05:58:53 PM
If it is working and in good order, that's a reasonable price.  The price on these machines is very region dependent.  $750 is reasonable for most of the country.

Make sure the monitor works, you have a bill validator that works, ticket printer (although this is not totally necessary), buttons are not cracked, machine boots up and plays.  Parts for these are relatively easy to find and replace.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: capgun on August 06, 2023, 10:28:19 AM
 :thank_you:   :1:   :agreepost: :agreepost:

Well written and much appreciated!
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: K503301 on August 17, 2023, 10:46:23 PM
New member and just got a WMS BB2 slant

Great info, thanks all who shared
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: raven on January 10, 2024, 12:49:37 AM
Probably a stupid question here, BB1, BB2, and BB3 all have the same backplane board??  Can you basically just convert one to the other by swapping out the boardset and button panel?
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on January 10, 2024, 09:33:48 AM
There's a monitor requirement as well.  A bb1 monitor will not run any of the bb3 games.  Also some backplane mods might be required for some games that require specific cabinet types, but in a nutshell you could convert a bb1 cabinet to run bb3 games with the necessary equipment and mods.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: raven on January 23, 2024, 11:16:38 PM
Ok, another probably stupid question....for the non-widescreen games (since they seem to be particularly picky)....could you just use a normal PC monitor as the top monitor since it's not touchscreen anyway?  Why does it have to be a specific Ceronix or Kortek monitor for home use?
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: raven on February 18, 2024, 01:04:13 AM
Ok, another probably stupid question.could you just use a normal PC monitor as the top monitor since it's not touchscreen anyway?  Why does it have to be a specific Ceronix or Kortek monitor for home use?
  So I'm going to answer my own doesn't matter.  I attached a very cheap PC monitor to my newly acquired BB2 in place of the top monitor, and it worked just fine.  Curiosity satisfied.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: Stayouttadabunker on February 18, 2024, 07:47:55 AM
Who said it has to be OEM?
I use a very nice dirt cheap 22"-23" wide-screen TV somebody was selling on Facebook Marketplace for $15 bucks!
Ripped the plastics off, and attached the mounting ears, shoved it in...looks brand new!

You can do the same thing for the bottom touchscreen monitor.
All you have to do is cut the old TS off the bad LCD and stick it on the brand new TV.
The only requirement of course is the same size....use the old enclosures and mounts.
I was able to pick up a roll of two-sided adhesive rubber online about 3/16 thick and a quarter inch wide.
You also need a roll of acetate cloth tape to hold the TS from sliding down.
It's kind of like hockey stick tape, but stiffer with better adhesive.
If you can't find that, I've seen monitors with that shiny aluminum furnace duct tape.
TV's have their own power supply's, just plug in the cord to a power strip.
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: fj cruiser on May 04, 2024, 01:10:52 PM
I just wanted to say thank you Rick for answering all the questions! Wow beginning to understand!
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: Wild Card on May 31, 2024, 02:35:08 PM
Awesome Post for us 1st Timers.  Thanks!   Any BB1 Games worth buying the Chip/SW for?    Is Match Game, a weak game?
Title: Re: WMS BlueBird Slot Machines - Everything you ever wanted to know for beginners
Post by: rickhunter on May 31, 2024, 06:18:42 PM
Match game requires a dual screen bb1 machine, not a bb1.5.  So if you want want that game, you will need to make sure you get either a dual screen bb1 or equivalent.
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