New Life Games LLC

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games => Topic started by: melinn99 on April 16, 2017, 01:09:51 PM

Title: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 16, 2017, 01:09:51 PM
So I am getting a 3100 error on some payouts. It was consistently giving the error on any payout, but I cleaned the sensor and now it seems to do it after every 4th or 5th payout. Is there something else I can try, or should I just replace the sensor?
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Shaggy on April 16, 2017, 01:32:44 PM
Here is an answer to check out on the 3100 error. This a quote from Jim at Midwest Slots....

"99% of the problems with a 3100 error are related to the brake parts/motor housing being DIRTY.  usually a good test if the motor housing is dirty: press on the moveable arm that comes in contact with the housing, if it sticks , even one a second, that would cause the error.

so even if the parts look GOOD, if there dirty  that's your problem.  disassemble and clean the parts (especially where the pivot action takes place).

you will see the difference after you clean them, that includes the red part as well, clean the inside of the red part as well as the metal part it pivots on.

I'll bet your problem will go away.


Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: knagl on April 16, 2017, 03:03:00 PM
To expand on that, a 3100 error is an "Extra Coin Out" -- the machine is detecting that an extra coin is being dispensed after a payout.  Chances are that your brake assembly isn't functioning correctly.  Jim's quoted post above is a good place to start.  It could also be something as simple as the spring being disconnected on the brake mechanism, causing the brake to not engage.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 16, 2017, 03:07:32 PM
Well, it does work 3 or 4 times out of 5, so I will take it apart and clean it and maybe something is just sticking sometimes
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: knagl on April 16, 2017, 03:15:35 PM
If the brake isn't engaging properly, it's still possible that you could have working payouts some of the time.

When the machine pays out, the hopper motor is powered on and spins until the correct number of coins have passed through the coin-out optics.  At that point, the machine cuts the power to the hopper motor.  The spring-loaded brake is supposed to kick in stopping the hopper wheel from spinning immediately.  If the brake isn't functioning, the wheel continues spinning (drifting) until it stops on its own.  Depending on how far the wheel continues to drift, it may or may not dispense an extra coin.  If it doesn't, everything is fine as far as the machine is concerned and no tilt.  If it happens to drift too far, another coin is dispensed through the optics, the machine detects that, and throws a tilt.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Stayouttadabunker on April 17, 2017, 11:56:46 PM
Coin dust in an S+ has always been a problem.
Money is dirty as heck.
I'll bet a good hopper cleaning is all you'll need as Jim suggested.

Sometimes the white pawl on the brake breaks or gets worn out and slips over the spindle nub.
I haven't found a good source for those little white pawls.
Let's hope a cleaning takes care of the brake problem!  :yes:
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 19, 2017, 06:24:28 PM
OK, so I took the hopper apart and cleaned it all up in there. Then I took the brake mechanism off the motor and cleaned that. The spring is engaged. However, I am still getting the 3100 error intermittently. Do I need to lubricate that brake mechanism with anything.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 19, 2017, 06:48:27 PM

If I should need to replace the pawl because it is slipping, is this the right one?... (

This one is white and the one in mine is red, and it looks similar, but it is hard to tell from the size of the pic.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: cowboygames on April 19, 2017, 07:39:56 PM
Not sure that's the right part, but I am sure WWG isn't where you want to get it. Try Jim, he carries quite a few S+ parts
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: jay on April 19, 2017, 08:49:34 PM

The spring could also be lose bad. I have refurbished several of my brakes by replacing the spring with one (or actually 1/2) from a bic pen. Its a bush league fix but it works... and I have never had a problem.

If I was fixing these commercially or refurbing for resale vs just keeping them in my basement this would not be the final fix.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: knagl on April 20, 2017, 11:00:50 PM
I am sure WWG isn't where you want to get it.



Bunker had a video a few years back of how to power a hopper outside the machine with a basic extension cord -- you could use that to see what's happening (or what isn't happening) with your hopper to determine what the issue is.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: rokgpsman on April 21, 2017, 08:29:06 AM
Just to make sure, are you using the right size coin (quarter?) for the hopper you have? Over the years things sometimes get changed, your hopper and coin wheel could be for a different size coin than what you are using.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 21, 2017, 10:02:29 AM
It was setup for quarters when I got it and have never changed it.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: rokgpsman on April 21, 2017, 08:03:19 PM
ok, but are we sure the hopper wheel is one for quarters? Sometimes a machine was originally made for silver dollars or half dollars, and someone partly converts it to quarters but doesn't change the hopper coin wheel. So it mostly works with quarters but sometimes doesn't pay right. Have you tried turning the hopper by hand and carefully watch as the quarters get to the top of the coin wheel, pass thru the coin separator and ride up on the hopper knife, then thru the coin counter? If the knife is bent or out of adjustment, or something else is amiss you can get intermittent operation. If you can post a photo of the top portion of your hopper showing the quarters lined up and about to be paid out we might see something wrong.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Amechanic on April 21, 2017, 08:27:33 PM
I would check the connections on the back of the hoppers cabinet plug. I had a S+ here about a month ago. I had a hooper not paying out. I found that one of the push on connections was loose. It's worth a look. Only other thing I would do is to make sure the hoppers coin optics are clean of dirt and smoke.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 21, 2017, 08:53:07 PM
I have taken it apart and cleaned the hopper, optics, and blade and everything. I took the brake mechanism apart and cleaned it once, but I'm going to do that again more thoroughly tomorrow. I have checked the connections on the plug. Jim has suggested hooking the hopper motor up directly to electricity to test it, which I am going to try to do tomorrow as well. It does seem to be slipping on the last coin, just the way they come out, I can hear it hesitate a fraction of a second before the extra coin comes out. I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 11:21:29 AM
OK, so I cleaned the brake mechanism parts again and put it back together. I hooked the hopper motor up to a cord and turned it off and on and it looks like it stops immediately and doesn't slip when stopping. Unfortunately now it seems like it is doing it even more than ever. At least 3 out of 4 times an extra coin will come out. Attached are picks of the pawl before I cleaned it with a pipe cleaner. It looks heavily worn, but it doesn't seem to make a difference in testing.  And a pic of the hopper with the metal plate removed so you can see the coins, looks like a quarter slot to me.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Amechanic on April 22, 2017, 12:09:35 PM
It looks to me that you might have a large coin wheel, possiblie a $1 one and a .25c coin shelf wheel. The spacing between each coin look big. The steel wiper should only a single coin to pass under it. If it is still set at the thickness of a dollar coin or token, it could be allowing extra coin on the coin wheel at the optics.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: rokgpsman on April 22, 2017, 01:24:30 PM
With the hopper out of the machine you can turn the hopper motor by hand and watch the coin wheel rotate counter-clockwise. The quarters will catch and ride along the outside edge up to the top. As the quarter moves at the top and to the left while riding on the coin wheel you can see how the quarter gets picked up by the knife point and passes under/thru the coin counter. If the coin counter does not "see" a quarter then it doesn't think it was paid out, so keeps the hopper running. If the coin counter is misadjusted too high, or if the wrong coin wheel is being used the quarter my be going by the coin counter a little too low to be seen, so it may not be getting counted. This is another one of the things that can happen. Make sure only a single quarter at a time is getting to the coin counter and knife, and that the quarter is getting detected by the coin counter.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 01:40:55 PM

The extra coin gets counted, I think the optics are working, its the reason I get the 3100 in the first place. It knows an extra coin went out. What it seems like is that it pays the correct coins out and then it hesitates a second like it stopped and then another coin comes out.

I'll test the hopper outside again, but this time with quarters in it.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: rokgpsman on April 22, 2017, 01:56:19 PM
I'll test the hopper outside again, but this time with quarters in it....

What coin type was in it before if it wasn't quarters
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 02:01:35 PM
The machine has been quarters for as long as I have had it, 11 years.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: rokgpsman on April 22, 2017, 02:05:39 PM
The machine has been quarters for as long as I have had it, 11 years.

What I meant was, you said you would test it again, this time with quarters in it. I thought that meant you had used a different coin when you tested it before??


.....I'll test the hopper outside again, but this time with quarters in it.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 02:33:37 PM

I tested it prior without anything in it, just looking at how it was stopping, with the brake mechanism and whether that was slipping or not. I didn't look at the hopper and how coins were coming out.

I just played it for about 20 minutes, getting at least 7 or 8 payouts, and not once getting a 3100 error. I forgot to post a pic of what it looked like prior to adjusting the metal blade. You can see two coins held by one pin. With the blade adjusted, it sweeps the extra coin off since it jams between the blade and the pin it is resting on. The only issue now is that sometimes it knocks both of the coins off, so the rhythm of the coins dropping is off when it skips a drop or two.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Amechanic on April 22, 2017, 02:55:16 PM
Looking at that picture, you can now see it's a coin wheel for a large coin $1 type machine.. It doesn't mean it won't work, it's just that yor have more room between coins and the chance of the extra coin being paid out.. If you had a quarter coin wheel, you would only see about a 1/4" extra room between each quarter and the pin.. Yours has all most enough room for 2 quarters.. When adjusting that metal wiper, you don't want it touching the coins, but just missing it.. That way it doesn't wear out, but still cleans off the top coin..
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 03:07:57 PM

Looking at that picture, you can now see it's a coin wheel for a large coin $1 type machine.. It doesn't mean it won't work, it's just that yor have more room between coins and the chance of the extra coin being paid out.. If you had a quarter coin wheel, you would only see about a 1/4" extra room between each quarter and the pin.. Yours has all most enough room for 2 quarters.. When adjusting that metal wiper, you don't want it touching the coins, but just missing it.. That way it doesn't wear out, but still cleans off the top coin..
Well if there aren't two coins on the pin, then it wouldn't touch them or the pin itself. The reality is that more often than not it does have two coins on the pin, with the front coin resting on the previous pin. So with the blade adjusted, it is going to hit that wiper every time there are two coins. So if there almost always two coins, it is going to wear. I think the only way to resolve it totally would be to get a new pin wheel.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Amechanic on April 22, 2017, 05:41:03 PM
When I say you don't want the wiper to touch the coin I'm talking about when you only have a single coin there. It's meant to knock any thing else off. Here is a picture of a 25c coin wheel and shelf wheel.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 06:03:35 PM
So I think as it is now it is useable, though not ideal. It may be that the pinwheel is for dollar coins because the spacing is almost big enough for two quarters, though not quite. The wiper will remove the extra coin, though it will also remove both many times. I'm not sure why I never had this 3100 issue in the past. The best thing would be to get a pinwheel specifically made for quarters. The coin slot looks original, and all the glass is setup for quarters, I believe this machine was always setup for quarters. It is probable that the person that sold it to me stuck this pinwheel on it to get it working and for awhile it was fine. Then over time maybe the wiper just got bent up to where it allowed the two coins to go through more often.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Amechanic on April 22, 2017, 06:46:45 PM
All that matters is if it's working for you again. I have used coin wheels for 50c on quarter hoppers before without any issues. If you do decided to change it that's also an option. I know it's getting harder to find quarter size coin wheels. Looking at your hopper, it could be possible that the redish urethane wiper piece is worn too. I've seen those in a hopper from a PE+ but not a S+ but I could be wrong and I've never seen one with both wiper types.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: melinn99 on April 22, 2017, 07:30:15 PM
It looks like the red one holds the next coin from going out. When there were two coins held by the pin, the extra coin on the pin was the one that came out, and the other was held up by that red piece. Now that the metal wiper is keeping two from going out, the red one is doing what it is meant to do.
Title: Re: 3100 error on payouts on S+
Post by: Amechanic on April 22, 2017, 08:08:51 PM
It's possible that the red urethane wiper was added because of the use of the dollar coin wheel?
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