So I bought what I believe to be a bb2e to a cpu-nxt 3.2/5 wonka machine that was working fine until I did the moronic thing of pulling the yellow jur spi chip out of it. When I went to replug it in and broke one of the pins ugh. So I went online and found what I thought was the same identical jur spi chip, has all identical markings and all, and then plugged her in aanf fired her up to get the following error:
Validation of spi device failed.
Does this mean I ultimately bought a jur spi with the wrong or unknown location on it? I live in Cali and the machine is not online. If this is the case and I have the wrong chip, is there anyone here who can sell me the correct chip? Or am I entirely screwed?
Any help from you wizards would be appreciated, I know, I did some very dumb things here.
