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Author Topic: Door Optic Woes  (Read 447 times)

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Door Optic Woes
« on: February 05, 2022, 12:39:27 PM »
I have read through so many of the posts on door optics and believe I have gone through everything that it could possibly be and still am having issues.  Below is a list of things that I either know now or have done to troubleshoot this:

1.  Swapped MPU.
2.  Ran new MPU on known good machine, ran clear and denim chips and played the game on different machine with no issues.
3.  Changed out motherboard from donor.
4.  Replace optics.
5.  Read out both emitter (on door)9VDC, should be 5VDC and receiver (Cabinet) 9VDC.  I think the 9vdc at the door is a problem, that is what led me to swap MPU and then motherboard.
6.  Reseated all connectors on mother board.
7.  Reseated all connectors above MPU.
8.  Ran the door optics test.  When door is closed code remains 13......0. it does not swap rapidly between 13....0 and 13.....1.
9.  I can load coins with the comparator and win credits and credits do not clear once door is closed.  I can continue to play with credits earned from loading credits with the comparator button.
10.  Comparator never accepts coins.
11.  When I have tried to pay out I received multiple codes from the hopper, 3100 and 3200, neither of which would reset with the door open and closing.
12.  Candle remains blinking signifying the door is open.
13.  Jumpered the optics connectors and gotten it to work correctly.
14.  Placed the optics facing each other with not luck. 
15.  Swapped know good optics from another machine no luck.
16.  Swapped optics from broke machine into known good machine and they work great.

All throughout this troubleshooting, on occasion, I am able to get the optics to work.  I have not been able to successfully duplicate what it is that gets it to work correctly, whether it is after I reseat a certain plug, wiggle a wire, change alignment on the optics =, oh and yes I have lined them up using tape and the like as noted on many posts with no luck.

I am not sure where to go from here.  If someone does know which particular plug on the mother board or above the MPU contains the wires that come from the optics so I can read continuity and jiggle them, chem pins etc, I believe that is where I am at now.....freaking gremlins. 
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 02:53:29 PM by »


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Re: Door Optic Woes
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2022, 01:42:12 PM »
Small update.  When you run the optics test, with door open on a good machine you should have 13......0. Close the door and you will get a quickly alternating 13.....1/0 (meaning the 1 and the 0 cycle back and forth faster than the eye can really see.

When I run the test on my machine that has the optics problem with door open I have 13......1 then when I go to close it, lift handle and the door just a tad to align but do not shut the door or slide handle down the window shows 13.....0 and stays that way while I finish the closing and sliding handle down to complete the door closing........

Scratching my head now.  It is working essentially in opposite and not changing when the door optics are even close to one another align......... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Anyone help with this new revelation??

UPDATE......Minutes later.  I walked back out to further inspect the machine.  I had left the door in the almost shut position right when it had changed to 13......0.  I opened the door and now it remains on 13.....0 whether open or closed.....

I really do not understand what is possessing this machine.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 02:53:49 PM by »


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Re: Door Optic Woes
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2022, 02:53:13 PM »
I believe that I have narrowed it down to the wires leading to the door side emitter.  The machine is up and running as it should.  I have wiggled those wires and got it to fail and wiggled them again and got it to work.  I do not know where in that wire is the problem but pretty dang sure that that is where I will find the fix.

UPDATE only to maybe help someone else.  Those stupid connectors on the door side and the cabinet, we'll call them the female side not the male side that is on the optics themselves, they were wallered out and randomly making connection.  I took a jewelers screwdriver and spread the two pins on each of the male connecters a bit to get a better connection.  Machine works perfect with no flaws now.  Thanks to all for the help!!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 05:56:30 PM by »


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