New Life Games LLC

**Video Poker, Keno, Slots, 21** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King => Topic started by: newbyneedshelp on February 11, 2019, 05:07:54 PM

Title: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 11, 2019, 05:07:54 PM
 It's always been  dream of mine to buy a Game King, but I live in California and there's that law, slot machines have to be 25 years old to be legal. I always thought GK came into existence around 2000, so the idea of buying one always seemed like a distant fantasy. So I haven't really given it a lot of thought.

Until yesterday, when I saw this: ( (In case its been taken down, its a Game King with 12 games, bill reader and coin hopper, $900. Model No. 9640910R, Serial Number 588608, W/O No. 623160).

But the thing that really blew me away was where the tag says “DATE OF MFG 12/95”. And suddenly the dream is not so distant. Looks to me like it's just around the corner!

Now, I'm not looking to buy this particular machine, (after all, the “legal date” on it doesn't come for another 10 months) but I was hoping maybe you all could perhaps give me a “crash course” on being a first time slot machine (GK) owner. With, uh, not much electronics experience. So I figured I'd start an account here, ask a bunch of questions, and if anyone cares to answer anything I might be at least that much ahead.

Could there be anything in it for you? Well, I'd appreciate it. If that counts for anything. You'd be helping someone out. Gotta be some spiritual reward for that, I'd think. And just maybe I might one day end up being someone here's customer. Who knows?

Anyway, here's my list of questions:
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: shortrackskater on February 11, 2019, 05:16:27 PM

Just wanted to give you a heads up. If you search Game King here on the forum, you'll get lots of good information on everything you asked. This forum is designed for people exactly like you, so YES you can own one and you'll get help along the way from the great people here.  You'll be a slot technician in no time!
Hang on... responses are coming from the pro's!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 11, 2019, 05:27:40 PM
My avatar perfectly describes my reaction to your post. Woo hoo!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: shortrackskater on February 12, 2019, 10:06:37 AM
1. I think they came out in 1996 so the tag sounds correct.

2. "Good price" is difficult. It really depends on where you live, and what version the machine is. Earlier ones don't have some of the great games, like "Fortune Cookie" (my favorite on my ver 6) but still there's plenty of fun games - slots, poker, keno, blackjack etc. You can change out the games on yours but there's some games you cannot add as they are not supported. I'm in Orange County, not too far from you. I wouldn't pay $900 for that one in Palmdale. I'd pay $450 if it's great shape and has an LCD.

3. Weight depends on the screen size, top box etc. I'd guess 250 to 275 pounds.

4. The only store that I know of here is LA Slots and they are going to sell it at a much higher price than anything private party. They don't list prices. You have to call them. If you do, let us know what they are charging. I'd guess their machines are newer-ish and they probably remove the tags with the date on them. They probably remove all the coin-in features and make it just a ticket printing machine, or "points only." Boring. My Top Dollar spits out HUGE Eisenhower dollars. I'd stick to CL and just ask one of us to review the listing.

5.  Games... sort of answered before. You are not stuck.

6. Spending more for a 6.0 MIGHT be worth it. They're now getting older and cheaper so you may just want to consider this. If you decide to, let me know and I'll start poking around CL as well. But if you can find the earlier versions, don't pay too much! But even the older GK's are not hard to sell. Just CLEAN them up. I see people other there selling grimy old machines. At least, shine them up! They sell better, like a used car.

7 and 8.  Slot machines weren't made for being in homes, but they are really not hard to work on provided you have some common sense. You don't need tons of electrical knowledge. If you know not to touch a live 117VAC wire, then you're good. There's a lot of people here on the forum that will help in easy-to-understand-ways. Many times, you just need a new MPU battery or a few bulbs to replace on the buttons. If it's a bigger issue, it's "doable" in most cases. There's plenty of parts out there for these machines, the costliest usually being the MPU board. For the older GK's they're usually in the $45 to $60 range. Newer versions are a little more. I keep bulbs on hand. Batteries are easy to find. You don't need to stockpile other parts. Most of us do since we have multiple machines. But once you determine a part you need, usually the wait isn't too long to get it.

9. The button battery goes on the MPU (computer board) and not the mother board, which is the board that holds/connects together other boards and connectors needed for the operation of the machine. And no, that doesn't mean the MPU will need to be replaced at that time at all.

10. I've never had any of my IGT's become money pits unless you continually shotgun parts without asking someone who knows. Now if you call a service tech (there's a FEW here in So Cal) yes you will because they may charge you $100 to replace a battery and do a reset on the machine but why when you can learn here?

11. I highly doubt that anyone selling newer machines on CL are the feds. I'm not saying that cannot happen but I think they have better things to do. Still there's two sellers blatantly selling newer stuff. One I believe IS in Palmdale and the other is in the high desert, Victorville or Hesperia I think. I've seen people selling their machines listen them as "great money makers." I hope they get caught because they're too stupid to realize it IS illegal to run a mini casino out of your home. 99.9% of the people buying them just want something fun for the game room, and NOT to gamble with. I use mine as piggy banks.

12. As for advice, just don't buy anything too quickly without consulting us here first. Once you do buy one though, if you encounter problems, please please please keep the subject separate in the topic area and don't start new discussions on problems already posted. Sometimes it takes a day or so for us to reply. This is an all volunteer gig here. Hope this helps and enjoy the hunt!

If any other members have more to say, please do so!  :yes:
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: smoothgrh on February 12, 2019, 10:21:10 AM
Congratulations on becoming a potential Game King owner. I bought mine in 2015 and have never regretted it!

The 1995 Game Kings are probably 3802 machines. Mine was made in 1998 and has a 3802 board, but I can play 3902 games. I recommend getting a machine that can use 3902 boards, unless you're on a limited budget and don't plan to expand. Because expand your collection you will!

I bought mine in Nevada for $500, but mine has a CRT monitor. Although these days, you might be able to get a good deal on an old Game King with an LCD screen.

Even though 12 games suits you fine, you'll eventually have to get a key chip, which is inexpensive, to play all the games available. Otherwise, it's like having a pantry of food, but you choose to eat only items from one shelf!

After you get the machine, you won't want to sell it.  :rotfl:

You don't need much technical knowledge—I'm an idiot electronically, but with the help of newlifegames folks, I got mine set up the way I like it.
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 12, 2019, 05:50:01 PM
 Thanks. I'm sure you probably haven't even scratched the surface, but still, it's a heck of a lot more than I knew when I made my post. If you wanna “sticky” this thread for other newcomers it's ok with me.

I imagined if I got the answers to some questions it would probably lead to new questions, and I was right, so here goes.

About the “3802” board compared to the “3902”:

Were 3802 in the first machines and 3902 in newer machines?
How can you tell which one a machine has?
How many more games than a 3802 can a 3902 play?
About how much more does a machine with a 3902 cost?
Can a machine with a 3802 be upgraded to a 3902? If so, about what does that cost?
Does a 3902 play some newer, more complicated games, or just “more games”?
Can a 3902 play on LCD or CRT or both?
Are there other even newer boards?

I saw this machine on craigslist at ( that would be a real kick in the head to have but for me would be totally undoable pricewise. Its says its an “AVP.” Would this have a 3902? Or something a lot more “whompin'-stompin'” (and expensive)? Just trying to get a feel for what a 3902 could do for you.

About CRT compared to the LCD:

I imagine the CRT probably came with the first machines and LCDs came later. Correct?
If so, can you replace a CRT with an LCD in any of the machines, or just some of them?
If its just some of them, how can you tell if a machine can upgrade to an LCD?
About what would it cost to upgrade to an LCD?
Do you know of any pictures on this website (or other places) where I can see what CRT vs. LCD looks like side by side?(Oh, I just saw this thread:, (,) so that answers that one!).

It was mentioned that “Spending more for a 6.0 MIGHT be worth it.”

What machine is the one in Palmdale? (I mean is it less then 6.0 or what?
Do you know of a picture of a “6.0” I could look at?
What else can you tell me about these numbers that would be good to know?(Looks to me like this thread, ( with a post from "Ken" has a good link to a spreadsheet what is probably some really good info if I learn to decipher it).

About key chips:

Is there some kind of webpage or something that shows what various key chips do?

A bit more research shows that they very likely did come out in 1996. So buying one right now is not something that's gonna happen for me. I've waited this long, I can wait another 10 months especially when I was believing it was going to be about another 5 years. I just keep having this nightmare about going to Nevada and buying one and bringing it to California and on the way back getting pulled over and having the cop saying, “oh, you got a slot machine. Well. Lets take a little looksee and see how old it is. 24 years? Oh. You're busted!” I can't believe someone selling their machine on craigslist and saying its a great money maker. WOW!

TOP DOLLAR should pay off in Ikes, after all, that “CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK” should be music to anyone's ears. But as much as I would love to see some old coin machines out there to play I would keep to playing my own GK with credits, which leads to my last question for now. Is there a way to set up these machines to where you can just put credits on them instead of having to insert bills or titos? (Pushing a button and automatically getting 100 credits would be ideal for me).

Anyway, thanks again for putting the time into this. Awesome! It's like “GAME KING 101” in a thread!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: shortrackskater on February 13, 2019, 10:26:53 AM (

Read that thread that shows the difference with a 3802 and 3902. These numbers can be confusing and I'm NO PRO on all this. The machine in Palmdale is not a 3902.
If you're waiting ten more months... just report back here with what machines you're looking at. There are a LOT of Game Kings in California and they come up all the time. Likely the prices will drop as new games are introduced and the old ones get bought at auctions.
My suggestion is just do searches of Game Kings on BOTH sites. We have an archive site as well. All your answers are in there and the link I posted above is just a sample. Just click to GAME KING on both sites, grab a coffee, and start reading.
Another member might come in and give some more advice.
The AVP is a much newer machine, with a multitude of upgrades with graphics and sound, etc.
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: wizeone on February 13, 2019, 10:27:57 AM
i'm still looking at your original post, where you state CA law says the "game" has to be 25 years old or older.  does that mean the machine body has to be 25 years or older or the software release date?

3802 and 3902 are MPU model numbers not actual game(s).  the games come as memory chips and sometime sim cards.  afaik you can swap a 3902 for a 3802 without any problems. next step up would be a 044(or 4400 board) but that would require a new motherboard as well.(games for those run on flash boards that attach to the mpu, there are legacy boards that allow you to play older chip/sim games)

avp is IGT's newer platform which is more like a computer, i haven't had much hands on with them, i know they have a flash drive(weather that is just a licence key or the games and licence i am not sure)

there was a list on the old forums that listed some of the IGT software/games: (

converting to lcd it depends on your case/power supply/distro box.  most 17"/19" can be swapped out by just changing the monitor from crt to lcd(need to match the plug pin count and has to have netplex touch)  the old 13" i do not know if it's possible.

key chips depend on the platform/game.  i use 17/22/37 on 3902 gameking games.  the  044 i use a 28.  basically it is just telling the system you are authorized to make changes to the game settings/paytables.

hopefully others will be able to guide you better twords your journey of machine joy
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 13, 2019, 07:05:38 PM
i'm still looking at your original post, where you state CA law says the "game" has to be 25 years old or older.  does that mean the machine body has to be 25 years or older or the software release date?
I read from a certain website about CA Penal Code § 330a (2017) 
It says "slot or card machine". If what I read really is the real law, the words "game" or software don't appear anywhere in it. Nor does the word "body."
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: smoothgrh on February 15, 2019, 08:29:56 AM

About the “3802” board compared to the “3902”:

Were 3802 in the first machines and 3902 in newer machines?: Yes.
How can you tell which one a machine has?: The 3802 has a tray that you pull out like in this thread: [url][/url] ([url][/url]) and the 3902 has a tray with 1 to 3 SIM cards that are seated upright, and a Multimedia II sound board. Check out eBay for pics.
How many more games than a 3802 can a 3902 play?: Also check eBay—a dark path you will you travel!
About how much more does a machine with a 3902 cost?: Prices are all over the board at the sellers' whims, but a 3902 machine should generally be the same cost as a 3802—it's the LCD screen that should be the dominant factor, but again, prices are all over.
Can a machine with a 3802 be upgraded to a 3902? If so, about what does that cost?: Mine was plug and play, but I can't say for certain all are like that.
Does a 3902 play some newer, more complicated games, or just “more games”?: The 3902 games have better sound and graphics.
Can a 3902 play on LCD or CRT or both?: Both.
Are there other even newer boards?: Yes, then you start getting into 044 boards, and that's a newer, different generation.

 Hope this helps—and I hope that I'm giving accurate information!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 15, 2019, 08:51:59 AM
Thanks everyone. For anyone whose done this stuff, you may not think I still know much, but at least I feel like I know a heck of a lot more than I did. If anyone has more to add, keep it coming.
Reputation added for all  :cool_thumb_up:
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 15, 2019, 12:38:26 PM
The machine I'd like to get needs the following MUSTS:

Super 8 Race and Super 8 Line
Some basic pokerA couple slots
and Blackjack

Must be the red (not blue) "GAME KING" (instead of some other name) and preferably with the round top. and be 25 years old (In other words that machine in Palmdale does the job, or at least it will in December).


If these are to happen, they MUST INCLUDE:The ability to play 10 hand poker and 100 hand poker (and hopefully more slots, plus to be able to have more selections than 12 on the same setup).

LCD looks like it would be a really nice extra to have.

3902 (better sound and graphics) doesn't sound like a really big necessity, but of course, if 3902 is basically the same price as 3802, then get the 3902, it goes without saying.

SO...Just as an example, apparently from what Ive read here, if I've read it right, that machine in Palmdale could be upgraded with and LCD and 3902 (if it doesn't have it already), but could it also be upgraded to also have more game selections and also play the 10 hand poker and 100 hand poker games too?
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 15, 2019, 01:25:14 PM
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

If you're waiting ten more months... just report back here with what machines you're looking at. There are a LOT of Game Kings in California and they come up all the time. Likely the prices will drop as new games are introduced and the old ones get bought at auctions.

I'm surprised there are a lot in California, with what the law is. I've watched on craigslist and see a few from time to time but the prices always seem kind of high, and there don't always seem to be many (I guess you'd call them) "lower end" machines.
Right now on ebay they have 8 machines with the lowest priced one $1300 (out of my price range).
Would putting a "wanted" ad on this site be a good thing to try? Or how about "wanted" ads on craigslist? What about those auction places? Got any suggestions of auctions that might have them?
Got any other "shopping around" suggestions?

I wouldn't pay $900 for that one in Palmdale. I'd pay $450 if it's great shape and has an LCD.

Getting one like that would be terrific!

(Here's some $899 machines with 31 games and warantee-though their in AZ, so shopping around I can see will be a good thing to do).

Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 15, 2019, 02:25:38 PM
Smoothgrh, looks like you had a good thread on some of this stuff, "Changing Game King 4.3 Chips" at (

Differences between 3902 and 044 (also 5.0 and 5.3, 6.0 is recommended) (

Here's a good page on changing games:;topic=7559.0 (;topic=7559.0)

Heres a thread on "How to clear an IGT Game king and which clear chip?" (
More on whats on chips: (

Blackjack game options: (

Adding credits without coins, bills or titos (

What games are on at least some chips? Read this: (
Here are the games on GK 5.0 (
Good explanations of what games are on what chips: (

Converting a GK from 13" CRT to 15" LCD (includes a good-side-by-side comparison): (

Just got Game King and it fails to initialize: (

How to use a keychip (
Key 22 installation instructions: (
Which keychip should I use: ( an 044 and installing a keychip 28 (video) (
How to set up an 044 after using the key 28 chip (video, it follows the previous one) (

He fixed a horrible problem: (
The machine stinks. What can be done? (

3802 to 3902 swap info (includes mention of 044 and 13" cabinets): (

Setting up more games on the GK: (

3902 and 044 differences (
3902 game titles: (
Link to 044 game titles: (
Swapping from 3902 to 044: (

Instructions for installing games: (

Inspecting the MPU when you buy a machine: (

I also found this out, according to a post, if it helps:
"All GK 6.0 versions are for 044 only (NOT 3902)"(So I guess this means that anything you see 6.0 or higher you'll probably need an 044).
"GK 6.0 will NOT work on 3902."
But, apparently, to play 3902 on a 044, you need a "legacy adaptor board."
 "For your 3902 platform, 4.0, 4.3, 5.0(simm) software will work, has poker, keno, slots, blackjack."

Differences between 3802, 3902 and 044:
"It is hard to tell by just looking at the machine.  You would have to look at the mpu board.  3802 is all eprom based, no simms.  3902 has simms and eproms.  044 uses a flash board.  That is how you can tell in a nutshell.  044 systems can run 3902 and 3802 software.  3902 systems can run 3802 software.  Depending on your geographical area, the prices between all 3 can vary.  On average you can expect to see about $200 price differences between each platfrom, with 3802 being the least expensive." (thanks, RickHunter)

What you should have spares of:"Granted, some of the components inside might have seen a lot of service time, but that is the reason why you should have spares of your power supply, mpu board, and possibly your monitor as these are the things that usually give issues with age. Power supplies and monitors in particular."

Hope no one minds the length of this thread, I'm trying to pack in as much as I can, anything that might come in handy later, as an easy-to-find a reference for when the time finally comes.  Hope thats ok!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Rep on February 16, 2019, 02:56:12 AM
I finally got my Game King this past November right before Thanksgiving and what a BLAST!!! I've had SO much fun with it, I hope all works out and you can get one as well. They really aren't bad at all to work with, there's MANY helpful members here (hell, I wouldn't HAVE the Game King if not for ppl on NLG). So just read and ask away, I know I would gladly help as would MANY other members! Best of luck to you! :)
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 16, 2019, 07:53:31 AM
I finally got my Game King this past November right before Thanksgiving and what a BLAST!!! I've had SO much fun with it, I hope all works out and you can get one as well. They really aren't bad at all to work with, there's MANY helpful members here (hell, I wouldn't HAVE the Game King if not for ppl on NLG). So just read and ask away, I know I would gladly help as would MANY other members! Best of luck to you! :)
Thanks for the encouragement, I'm learning a lot just here and am checking out some of the other threads too. It looks like it will work out fine. And if not for the people here I'm sure it would, at a minimum, be a much more bumpy/potholed road.

When I get my GK, I wanna keep track of my play and figure out how much I (probably) would have lost if it were real casino play and see how long it would take to pay off the money I spent on the machine (in money saved that I didn't lose). (If that makes sense).

I'm sure your avatar is probably your machine, is that a CRT? If so, got any plans to go LCD?

Biff Tannens Pleasure Palace. I wanna gamble like Biff (but don't we all!).

Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: smoothgrh on February 16, 2019, 11:57:07 AM
Smoothgrh, looks like you had a good thread on some of this stuff,"Changing Game King 4.3 Chips" [url][/url] ([url][/url])

Yeah, that thread was from when I was just starting out. You'll find that people don't always give accurate information—I'm guilty of that, too.

Looking back, it's laughable that someone told me that the key chip depends on the monitor—they have nothing to do with each other! The key chip depends on the game!

Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: smoothgrh on February 16, 2019, 12:01:01 PM
The machine I'd like to get needs the following MUSTS:

Super 8 Race and Super 8 Line
Some basic pokerA couple slots
and Blackjack

If you get a 3902 machine, the game chips you want for Super 8 Race and Super 8 Line is G0001777. The chips with Diamond Mine slot will also have those Super 8 slots and Blackjack on it.

As far as I know, 3902 games support only Triple Play/Five Play poker. Maybe Ten Play, though I haven't seen it. For 100 Play video poker, you'll need a newer machine.

Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 16, 2019, 02:55:09 PM

If you get a 3902 machine, the game chips you want for Super 8 Race and Super 8 Line is G0001777. The chips with Diamond Mine slot will also have those Super 8 slots and Blackjack on it.

As far as I know, 3902 games support only Triple Play/Five Play poker. Maybe Ten Play, though I haven't seen it. For 100 Play video poker, you'll need a newer machine.

Thanks for this.
You mentioning that led me to another good thread that has some info as to whats on some chips: (

Triple play and better still, 5 play would do the trick. 10 play and 100 play would be dream games, and to get a newer machine would only put off doing it probably for years. So I can wait, but at least now I pretty much know.
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Tilt on February 16, 2019, 03:12:11 PM

As far as I know, 3902 games support only Triple Play/Five Play poker. Maybe Ten Play, though I haven't seen it. For 100 Play video poker, you'll need a newer machine.

There's Triple/Five/Ten Play poker sets for the 3902 MPU. 50 and 100 Play will run on it too.
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 16, 2019, 03:19:57 PM

There's Triple/Five/Ten Play poker sets for the 3902 MPU. 50 and 100 Play will run on it too.
Oh yeah!
The goodies just keep on coming!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: smoothgrh on February 16, 2019, 03:26:16 PM

There's Triple/Five/Ten Play poker sets for the 3902 MPU. 50 and 100 Play will run on it too.

Looks like I'm in the market for another poker set!  :24:
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 16, 2019, 03:33:00 PM

There's Triple/Five/Ten Play poker sets for the 3902 MPU. 50 and 100 Play will run on it too.

Looks like I'm in the market for another poker set!  :24:
You've given a lot of good info here. Glad to see you've gotten something out of t!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Tilt on February 16, 2019, 03:33:25 PM
Always something ain't there?
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Rep on February 16, 2019, 07:15:50 PM
Actually my avatar is an OLD OLD pic I snagged from the casino. Mine does indeed have a CRT in it tho, I had to for $ reasons, my income is screwed up badly. Been ill a few years and still fighting SS for disability. But for sure when that gets resolved I'll pry go all out on it, LCD screen and 044 setup. Scored a cheap legacy board so that's set (I really love the 5.3 set and I'm a poker and sometimes keno guy so the game list is perfect) but 6.0+ would be nice too. All in due time tho. I gotta get ya a pic of a ticket too from my TITO, it's Rep's Pleasure Palace on those :D

I finally got my Game King this past November right before Thanksgiving and what a BLAST!!! I've had SO much fun with it, I hope all works out and you can get one as well. They really aren't bad at all to work with, there's MANY helpful members here (hell, I wouldn't HAVE the Game King if not for ppl on NLG). So just read and ask away, I know I would gladly help as would MANY other members! Best of luck to you! :)
Thanks for the encouragement, I'm learning a lot just here and am checking out some of the other threads too. It looks like it will work out fine. And if not for the people here I'm sure it would, at a minimum, be a much more bumpy/potholed road.

When I get my GK, I wanna keep track of my play and figure out how much I (probably) would have lost if it were real casino play and see how long it would take to pay off the money I spent on the machine (in money saved that I didn't lose). (If that makes sense).

I'm sure your avatar is probably your machine, is that a CRT? If so, got any plans to go LCD?

Biff Tannens Pleasure Palace. I wanna gamble like Biff (but don't we all!).

Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 17, 2019, 02:58:52 AM
Actually my avatar is an OLD OLD pic I snagged from the casino. Mine does indeed have a CRT in it tho, I had to for $ reasons, my income is screwed up badly. Been ill a few years and still fighting SS for disability. But for sure when that gets resolved I'll pry go all out on it, LCD screen and 044 setup. Scored a cheap legacy board so that's set (I really love the 5.3 set and I'm a poker and sometimes keno guy so the game list is perfect) but 6.0+ would be nice too. All in due time tho. I gotta get ya a pic of a ticket too from my TITO, it's Rep's Pleasure Palace on those :D
Hope things work out for you, but in the meantime sounds like you at least have a pretty meaningful setup.

You can personalize titos? Another good thing to know. Thanks.
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Rep on February 17, 2019, 11:55:59 PM
Yeah on a game king it's quite easy. You have an on screen keyboard, and the TITO kit is amazing too, DEF recommend it. The machine has worked perfectly since day 1, made some small cosmetic changes, LED bulbs for the buttons will be the last touch. I can PM ya some pics if ya want. The setup means a ton to me, I got a PE+ YEARS ago and wanted the GK with it but back then just WAY too expensive. And honestly since I'm ill and basically homebound the members here helped me get a good machine affordably and give me a little project to work with aside from just playing it lol. I am VERY grateful to this site (Been a member since the old boards then kinda went MIA when I got ill, but was welcomed back with open arms). Very sentimental machine as well as a LOT of fun, and I just love hearing ppl having the fun with theirs that I do with mine! :)
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 18, 2019, 05:58:38 PM
Yeah on a game king it's quite easy. You have an on screen keyboard, and the TITO kit is amazing too, DEF recommend it. The machine has worked perfectly since day 1, made some small cosmetic changes, LED bulbs for the buttons will be the last touch. I can PM ya some pics if ya want. The setup means a ton to me, I got a PE+ YEARS ago and wanted the GK with it but back then just WAY too expensive. And honestly since I'm ill and basically homebound the members here helped me get a good machine affordably and give me a little project to work with aside from just playing it lol. I am VERY grateful to this site (Been a member since the old boards then kinda went MIA when I got ill, but was welcomed back with open arms). Very sentimental machine as well as a LOT of fun, and I just love hearing ppl having the fun with theirs that I do with mine! :)
Sounds pretty nice with the TITOS but actually when and if I can ever get a machine I want to look into being able to add credits with the touch of a buttion. I dont want to hassle with the paper and printer, nor with coins (I can see myself getting arthritis in my thumb by putting in so many coins, ha ha...although I would love it if some casino near me were to get some good ol' coin machines).
Its heart warming to hear how this site has helped you and to verify that they keep the goodies coming for other people, just look at this one thread and how much people, including you, have contributed to it. I knew basically nothing about GK's before starting this thread except that they've been tons of fun to play all these years and I always thought it would be great to get one, it was just so far off into the future when they became legal in my state, but suddenly out of nowhere, I discovered that time is just now on the horizen (about 6 years earlier than I expected). After doing this thread, I'm positive I still know absolutely nothing about them compared to most people here...but after this crash course I feel like I do know tons of stuff more about them now then I did last week. And I have at least a little more confidence in what I'm doing.

You mentioned your machine being sentimental on top of being fun and I can agree with that, and thats another reason this is the kind of machine I want. The sight of one brings back all kinds of great memories and, the way I figure it is that no matter what may happen in the rest of my life, I can look at a GK and think "wow, life sure has been good at times, and in this world that isn't always true for a lot of people." Maybe a majority of people, for all I know. 

What games do you have on your machine? I've been looking at a lot of setups and the impression I keep getting is that the older setups are probably more suited to me, and thats just fine because the price of the older setups are definately more suited to me as well. It seems a lot is made about "SuperStar Poker" and while it would be nice to have all those games, I really don't see myself playing them. I'm not really big on poker, just pretty much the basics,  and multiple hand machines, and wow, do I love that double or nothing feature that has all but dissappeared. But thats the first thing I will activate on my machine if it can be activated. I certainly don't see all those extra games being worth all that extra money (which I dont really have anyway).
Well, the biggest GK thing I learned this week was the manufactured date on that machine on Craigslist, "12/95" which puts apparently the earliest GK's at 24 years and 2 months, so for me, the countdown has begun when they become legal in my state (although I'm sure there are probably a lot of them here not in casinos, as was mentioned in this thread). I'm sure there aren't many '95 machines, but there should at least be some more '96 ones, I'm hoping. So we're gonna see where this goes. All of the sudden I feel like I'm way ahead of the game!
Thanks Rep and everyone else who's helped me with this!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: sixcardmark on February 18, 2019, 06:17:50 PM
Tito cards allow for credits to be added with the touch of a button. (service/change button)
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 18, 2019, 06:55:47 PM
Tito cards allow for credits to be added with the touch of a button. (service/change button)
Huh? Tito "cards"? I've never heard of those. Can you explain what they are? Thanks!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Tilt on February 18, 2019, 07:36:47 PM (

Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 18, 2019, 07:50:28 PM
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

That looks really great but didn't I read somewhere there was a switch or button that could be installed to do this (just add credits to the machine)?
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Rep on February 22, 2019, 11:05:11 PM
sixcardmark who posted in this thread was a HUGE part of me getting the GK and so much that I needed going. He's been a GREAT friend and help thru all this. As he said if you install the TITO kit you can use the change/service button right on the machine itself (top left, the red button) to add credits, it also will allow the machine to take tickets you print out from any machine with the kit and add credits. For a homeowner I think it's one of the greatest things there is tbh. My GK is the older 3902 (main board often called the MPU) setup. I have 3 sets of software, 4.0, 4.3 and 5.3. And really software versions will depend on what games you want and what your budget is for it. I have a 2nd mpu board as well but I use 5.3 99% of the time as for me, I'm a poker and keno guy and that set is literally perfect for me. As I may have said I come from a mechanical background and am good with wiring and electronics but honestly those skills haven't even been needed, I find GK's to be very easy to work with and ofc we're all here should any issues arise but they are (IMO) VERY well made and very user/operator friendly :)
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 24, 2019, 06:42:06 PM
but I use 5.3 99% of the time as for me, I'm a poker and keno guy and that set is literally perfect for me.
Doesn't get much better than literally perfect. Sounds to me like the only way to get better than GK is to get GK in your own home :)
Anyway, thanks for the info and the encouragement. You and the others are helping me learn some goodies!
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 24, 2019, 09:13:55 PM
Thanks for the great help everybody, I got much more than I expected, and feel at least a lot more informed. Now to spend a little more time looking around and stuff until the end of the year comes around. I an wait. Time goes by fast enough!
In order for others to maybe learn something from all this, I summed it all up and put it in in one long post titled "Looking for a Game King but just don't know where to start? (". Hope that's ok with this website, and hope it helps someone else somewhere down the line.
You guys are  :cool_thumb_up: !
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: Rep on February 25, 2019, 06:33:48 AM
Always glad to help, and for sure encourage. A GK has been a dream of mine for well over 10 years when I got my PE+. I wanted to get that as the casinos were phasing them out and a GK to go with it but back then GK's were WAY WAY too expensive. I'm glad you found NLG, I've been a member for YEARS, IRL kinda screwed me up and I wasn't around for quite a while but was welcomed back with open arms and quite a few OG's remembering me to boot! The members here are just fantastic. If I can help in any way I'd be glad to, I mean literally 6 months ago I was right in your spot trying to live out my dream. The members gladly answered all my dumb questions and I learned SOOOOOO much, and again aside from my dream of owning one it's so sentimental to me from the site, if not for the members and a few key vendors on here I still wouldn't have the Game King, the members made it happen and many great friendships were made. I hit many speed bumps along the way getting one but in the end it was ALL worth it. I truly hope your get your GK and just LOVE it like I do. So much fun to work with and ofc play and I know myself (and others I'm sure) will be here for your ride should you need any support or further help along the way! :)
Title: Re: Can you help a newbie get it right?
Post by: newbyneedshelp on February 25, 2019, 07:37:39 AM
Well, at a minimum:
"I'll see youin De-CEM-em-ber.When some GAME kingsBecome LEgal in my state!"
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