Ya, the boot chips are different on an ABSC box. The PCI card is of course different.
So ribbon cable and controller board need to remain. But with the controller board connected, it's seeing what has to still be seen to boot without the red screen halt. lol
i.e. How painful is it to get a brainbox out of a cabinet and still operate as a bonus server. It might just be too much work.
I'm still interested in seeing what other titles can function in the same manner by using another AVP as the bonus server.
I'd be fine to just have a few titles that do. I've set my pair up so I can just disable other titles, and enable the bonus server. Then just flip a VGA switch so the bonus server displays on a big screen on top and it's good.
If seperating the brainbox to a standalone is too much work, then at least make it so switching to make a seperate machine a bonus server easy, but also make it easy to switch it back to it's normal self. If you have side by side machines, at least have it easy to switch.
I put USB extension cables on both my brainbox cage USB ports, and put in a simple toggle switch for the cage switch (better than jamming paper in that slot for the switch most of us do!).
So now I can do game switches/loads, etc by just opening the main screen door and don't have to open the bottom and such. Can't connect a USB hub to the secure USB ports or it won't accept an ekey, only USB extension cables. But it works great to make them accessible from the top, along with the remote cage door switch.