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IGT S2000 and Vision Games / S2000 Chip?
« Last post by 61Wally on Today at 10:28:51 AM »
This machine was given to me pretty trashed. I got it going but it accepts 2 coins and the glass is 3 coins. I would say these chips are incorrect? If So Any idea as to what I need for it?
I'm assuming the unit doesn't have a bill validator? Can you post a photo of the machine? If it does, will it work with bills after sitting?
If it doesn't have a BV, I'd start with the coin comparator. Try replacing the sample quarter with cleaner/newer quarter. You can also adjust the CC's sensitivity - turn it to the left slightly (or all the way) and check the machine's operation then.
Another member should chime in soon.  :yes:
IGT S and S-plus Reel Games / Re: IGT 25¢ coin heads
« Last post by David Walz on Today at 10:03:03 AM »
Here it is completed, I had a few twists, and turns, but it's a done deal.
IGT S and S-plus Reel Games / Re: IGT Double diamond S Plus, RESTORATION
« Last post by jay on Today at 10:00:39 AM »
Interesting pic - normally there are 5 resistors.
The two that are missing are not needed but all of them appear to have been re-soldered at some point.

Let us know how you make out on your 41,42,43 errors after changing them.
Looks like I have some troubleshooting to do.... any idea where to start?????
IGT S and S-plus Reel Games / Re: IGT 25¢ coin heads
« Last post by David Walz on Today at 09:55:41 AM »
25¢ Coin heads....
What a can of worms. I am trying to figure out what is the correct one for a S-Plus. Some have spikes on the back side, some are low on the top, Some are in different positions for the coin to drop left, right, center..

For what it's worth, there was more than one type of S+ cabinet. You have an early S+ machine which has different buttons, and potentially different coin entries from S+ machines that were produced later in the run. ...and of course there were slant top machines too.

Thankfully, I was able to source all of the correct parts and it works.
Just received the new resistors today.
WMS Williams Video / Re: OS question.
« Last post by rickhunter on Today at 09:47:32 AM »
general rule of thumb H.9x and H.13.x are bb2 everything else on that list is bb1.  Also the naming convention is a tell SSOS is bb1 SSSG is bb2 and NSOS is BB3 (also H17.x, H18.x and H19.x).

Some of the games are that made for BB2 will also work on a bb1, there's been extensive discussion on which games work on a bb1, just do a search.
THIS is that board, in action. If you want a really nice even-ness in lighting, it's the way to go but I think they're pricey - close to $26 after shipping charges added. I've used LED bulbs and got close ... but I think this expensive board does do the best job.
This question has come up on the forum before... I did a very quick search and here's one answer.  :yes:

Re: What happens if a IGT s2000 overheats?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2018, 07:41:34 AM »

It melts.
There is no overheat protection per se in a S2000 but they are made very robust to survive the casino environment .
I've seen many standard S2000s operational without the top cooling fan operating and everything inside covered with an inch of dust.
Like all electronics it is best to keep them cool and dry.
I live in Florida and like most of us I own way too many machines so some of them are in my garage which is dry but by no means cool. I can tell you for sure after about 7 years of use my machines in the garage have eaten replacement parts by at least 5 to 1 compared to the machines that operate in 68 degrees all of the time.
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