I just picked this up over the weekend. This is my first Bally Machine and second ever slot machine. It is not working and I would like to trouble shoot it. The game itself does not power up but only the florescent lights come on. The red reset light flashes dimly and I can hear a pulsating sound coming from the speaker in time with the light. It flashes about once per second. If I unplug the speaker, I can still hear a clicking noise still in time with the pulsating red light. If I remove the motherboard, I can still hear the clicking noise. Any ideas where to start? I tried to do a reset with no success. Maybe I am not doing it properly. Maybe a reset won't fix it either. I also don't have any power to the coin comparitor or any of the game play buttons and nothing powers up. I know the power supply is working.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.