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Author Topic: HOW TO- Modify Boot IGI/IGCA image/CD to access ALL GAMES ...And other stuff  (Read 3894 times)

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Offline MacGUYver

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***For informational purposes only!!!***

I'm going to make a couple HOW TO's on IGI/IGCA.  I have an initial Repair Log for my WILD MONKEYS machine that shows my learning curve, and some of the whys.  I figured I'd share my discoveries.  This post will be on how to modify your current CD boot disc to access ALL THE GAMES.  I promise you this will not be the most efficient way to do it, or the smartest.  But I know it works, and I'm sure we can all come together to make it better.  Or to do more things.  Once I figure out which CRC calculation is being used for instance, it'll cut the development time in half.  Also, with this process, you can just make a boot disc for each game you want, such that you don't have to have human interaction upon powering up.  But for now, this makes the options selectable in the OPTIONS page upon boot, which is good enough for me, for now.  Also, now that you have access to the IMAGE folder, you can replace the *.gifs with your own......muahahaha.

Copy of the IGI/IGCA game (rev 14)
An Actual IGI/IGCA machine
Linux setup (I used Ubuntu)
K3B - Linux program for DISC burning
CD Burner
Lots of time

Instructions for creating the modified Image/ISO from a "golden copy"
-Get a golden copy of the game.  Only grab it while inside of Linux, straight from the CD (ie don't pull it off while in Windows). 
-Start up K3B, start a new project
-Hit the edit boot image, go to /boot from the "golden" copy, double click the boot.img
-Modify the default.conf file in the "golden" copy (I'd recommend making a copy of the entire "golden" copy first, this is your dev string)
     -On your new dev folders, open a terminal, go to them, and CHMOD 777 all files (except the boot image!!! just do one folder at a time if   
     -Modify the "false" statements of the theme/type/jurisdiction/percentage to "true":
          CHANGE_THEME true
          CHANGE_TYPE true
          CHANGE_PERCENTAGE true
-Add the rest of the boot folder contents to the boot image folder (but don't overwrite the boot.img, its linked differently now)
-Add the rest of the folders (powerpit, bin, etc)
     -Accept the links with *ADD ALL LINKS*
     -NO to *hidden files*
-Create an Image/ISO.  Hit Burn Image, and do the following selections:
     -Create Image only (just create the image for now)
     -Save it to a place you'll remember
     -Linux/Unix onlyyyyyyy
     -Links:  *No Change* (these are the symbolic links setup, don't remove these)
 -This is your bootable image.  Technically you can setup a USB drive/HDD/ZIP drivother stuff in your BIOS settings and utilize this image I think.
-Now burn your ISO to disc

Booting your new image disc
-Ensure your IGI/IGCA is setup to boot from CDROM first (CDROM/C/A)
     -During power on, press DELETE key when prompted.  This enters BIOS setting, change the boot media to CDROM first.  If I have to explain
      this part more, nfc how you got past creating an image :)
-Put your disc in, turn your reset key 90 degrees
-Make sure the CABINET DOOR and LOGIC DOOR are open
-Plug in your keyboard so it recognizes it during boot
-TURN MACHINE ON, wait for the "space music" to play
     -Follow instructions, just turn the reset key back to off/on.  (ie you'll go from ON --> OFF --> ON)
     *NOTE* sometimes you'll get stuff with an error because of previous boot cached info.  Just power off and power back on
-it should boot past the CD Integrity check (Does a CRC check on all files, with values from your medium.verification file at top level of ISO)
     -If this is the first time, you'll get a CRC error on the default.conf.  Capture the bytes/CRC value (take a pic)
     -If you failed with the CRC, you have to remake the entire IMAGE.  Start over, and use the bytes/CRC values in the pic to update your
      medium.verification file at the top of the folder strutures
-If you already updated the verification file and it passes the CD integrity check, great!  It'll start to boot with the huge IGI screen
     *NOTE* sometimes you'll get stuff with an error because of previous boot cached info.  Just power off and power back on
     *NOTE*NOTE* Don't be confused with the CRC error.  The CRC errors you HAVE to fix in the boot sequence by updating your file. 
     -use the "tab" key to move through the options.  Some of the options get stuck when its an editable field (addresses on the bottom).  Hold
      down CNTRL while using TAB to get through them (NFC why control tab)
     -Toggle through your video slots 1-8 to see the available selections of game themes. 
     -Make your selections, tab and/or control tab and press OK.
     -Turn your reset key back to normal, close your logic door and cabinet door
-Boom, you're done. 

Did it work for you?  Please like and subscribe, leave comments below.  Also attached is the Manual and Wire diagrams.

#Corona2020   ---This is the result of my self-isolation in the garage.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 03:19:02 PM by MacGUYver »

Offline MacGUYver

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Also so it doesn't get lost, here's all the configurations I can select on my boot disc.  These are the values you need to modify in the cd/powerpit/slots/default.conf file to create a hard coded boot disc for any specific game.  So the first post shows how to UNLOCK the fields to select them on boot, or you can just change the 3 settings below for any specific game (ie creat 16 bootable unique discs for each game).  Example:

TYPE "Video slot 1"
THEME "Monster Money"

  *NOTE - I didn't capture all the percentages, I'll hopefully go back and do that.

Video Slot 1 <90.12, 92.75, 94.83, 97.00>
-Monster Money
-Storybook    ----CURRENTLY BROKEN in my boot disc (images aren't linked?)
-Area 51
-Tiki Treasure
-Jackpot Hunter
-Wild Jungle
-Box Office Bucks

Video Slot 2  <88.26, 90.96, 92.78>
-Spanish Gold

Video Slot 3 <87.84, 90.17, 92.41>

-Wild Monkey
-Wild Eagle

Video Slot 4 <87.81, 90.36, 92.39>
-Mummy Hunter
-Jackpot Gems

Video Slot 5 <00.00>
-future game (NOT A REAL GAME)

Video Slot 6 <88.86, 90.75, 92.57>
-Buck Bonanza
-American Star

Video Slot 7 <88.89, 90.20, 92.09>
-Trolls Treasure    ---------CURRENTLY BROKEN IN MY BOOT DISC (unknown reason)

Video Slot 8 <88.89, 90.20, 92.09>
-Golden 7s

Offline MacGUYver

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Heres a link to the old forums for IGI/IGCA -

Here's a link to my first post on my Repair (has pics of most of the games in it), this is just in case this forum gets flooded with new REPAIR LOGS haha -


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