Hi everyone, need some help with a WMS BB2 machine. I am a computer tech but new to slot machines so reaching out to the experts. My brother has a machine that has been working for the past couple of years. Recently, there was an error about the battery being low/bad (can't remember the exact message) so I replaced both 2032 batteries (brand new duracells and double checked the voltage with a meter and orientation). Now, I get the error below about nvram.o input/output error and it boots to a bash prompt. I swapped out the RAM and got the same issue. I am familiar enough with Linux to try to run some commands but the USB ports seem to be deactivated even while the BIOS is booting (can't even press F2). I even tried some old USB keyboards with no luck. Any suggestions?
Setting up symbolic links in /dev ... Done!
/dev/raw/raw1: bound to major 3, minor 0
/dev/raw/raw2: bound to major 22, minor 0
Validate: OS-Game compatibility check: OS Comp: G1.3 Game Comp: G1.3
Checking device "SSOS-000-1490":
Checking device "S694-000-1040":
Validating the Compact Flash/Image... Validating the Compact Flash/Image...
Device "SSOS-000-1490" Signature Validated -Valid Image
Device "5694-000-1040" Signature Validated -Valid Image
/initrd/startup/nvram.o: init_module: Input/output error
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/dev/root.old /initrd minix rw 0 0