Some notes from today’s attempts:
When the machine is in its “low voltage†failure state at power –on the coin rejection solenoid clicks on-off about every 5 seconds like mentioned in this thread I have found that while the machine is doing this if you hold down SW1 or SW2 for about 15 seconds the machine will boot and come up in the 11, 19, Tilt error mode.
If you hold SW2 at power-on it will skip the coin rejection solenoid clicking and boot immediately in the 11, 19, Tilt error mode.
Also noted while in this state the machine does not display either door open or door closed codes and the Reset, Service and Test switches are not recognized.
After a while just sitting there powered on the machine reset. 11 code went away. Insert coin was flashing. Wow, interesting. Maybe I should go get some coins… Click… back to 11, 19 and Tilt.
Encouraged I went and got some coins and reseated the board again. This time it powered on with 19, a door open code (51) and some bill validator codes. Set door switches to “Closed†position. Now get code 50. I pulled the board and changed the dip switches to turn off the bill validator.
Powered on again. No more validator errors. Insert coin is flashing. I inserted some coins. Coins registered. Hit Spin and… nothing. No spin. Reseat board again. Power on again. Credits still registered. Hit Spin. Wheels spin but wheel #1 is turning at ½ speed. Error code 41. 1st Reel Error. Press Reset switch. Error clears. Hit Spin. All wheels spin at correct speed. Game plays!
It lasted about an hour for me just putting in coins and hitting the buttons on the door. Then surprise, click, back to 11 code.
Ok, I’ll try this again but I’m going to turn the validator back on (Hey, it’s a gambling machine, right?). Change dip switches. Reset RAM at power-on… coin rejection solenoid clicks, hold button, boots to code 11, 19, 95 and Tilt. Pull board. Change validator dip switches. Reset RAM at power-on… coin rejection solenoid clicks, hold button, boots to code 11, 19, and Tilt. Same as before.
Voltages have not changed at the board. It would seem my problem is in the board interconnection(s).