Squid Games brings a group of highly indebted adults, (most to illegal lenders) from all walks of life to play children's games for the chance to win many millions of dollars. The unspoken consequence of losing is that you are eliminated (permanently). One of the children's games is that you choose a symbol - square, triangle, circle, etc and need to carve this out of a thin plate of carnalized sugar without it cracking. The games are funded by a unknown elite that bet against each other as to which of the participants live or die, when and how.
The ability to carve out a perfect triangle out of a pie without destroying it, shows a high degree of skill. Squid Worthy.
My 88 year old father who does not like Marvel movies, science fiction, foreign films, etc found the series highly addictive and horrifying at the same time. Its 9 episodes long. I highly recommend it.