You are in for some troubleshooting work. If you do not have much of an understanding of electronics, meters and how to systematically troubleshoot, it will take a lot of time for anyone to help here in the forum through posts, even remotely on the phone.
I would like to help but am absolutely swamped at this time and the near future. I can give you advice if you like on what to do.
1st and foremost document everything you have tried so far, good and bad.
Forget about what caused the problem.
You need to start from scratch.
This seems like a very daunting thing to repair and I'm not going to tell you it will be easy, but it is not impossible. Everything can be repaired given enough time and resources.
If you can wait a few months, I would be willing to help you.
If you are in a 'hurry' many members here can help and give advice.
I don't have a machine like yours and have not worked on one. I have no knowledge of what is in your machine, but have many years of troubleshooting and repairing electronics. My advice on how to start to troubleshoot from scratch:
The picture #1 pointing to ?? I will assume is the power supply which contains the blown fuse. If this is not correct then everything that follows may be moot. If so let us know.
You have a short in the machine that is blowing the power supply fuse. That can be almost anything as you have most likely determined.
You must systematically determine what 'item' is bad causing the short.
You will need to start unplugging 'items' to try to isolate the problem area/item. Take pictures, then take more pictures. Label things before you unplug or disconnect anything so you can put it back correctly. The worst thing you can do is cause more damage. Rule number 1- do no damage.
Do not be concerned about doing this (damage) and looking bad, it happens to all of us, even me. Try your best to keep it to the absolute minimum, because you will have to fix everything you damage once you get power back on. It can be done.
If you can determine the item/area that is causing the problem, you troubleshoot that and hopefully get power back on and see what else may have been damaged and go from there. Time and resources...
Up to you how you would like to proceed.
Feel free to PM me if you like, we can talk a bit, so you can get a better feel about what I have posted. I really do not have time to do a deep dive at this time but would be willing to help in the future.
EDIT: I see are located in New Zealand. Not optimal for you, and most people on the forum. My offer for help still stands. I am helping someone remotely in France using Google translate, it can be done. I have helped members on the East coast and Alaska and even shipped a gutted machine to Hawaii, ( I will ship that glass soon, someday
