Should be noted that you also cannot always trust wiring colors. Always check with a multimeter.
Some people may have used a different plug/harness/wire. Or made their own! lol So if you don't have a multimeter, order one up from Amazon for $20 or less. Well worth it!
It is indeed 24v, verified on my BB2. But mine has blue and black w/white stripe wires to the button panel power plug. Also polarity usually matters with any LED.
If there is no existing molex plug in your machine to fit it with 24v, you can of course fashion one from a 24v switched source inside. But you'll need a multimeter to verify it's 24v, and a suitable ground. Just be mindful of polarity.
On mine:
Blue (the one on the top of the 2 pin molex plug when installed in the machine) is +24v
Black w/white stripe is ground.
But important part really is just that the top pin in the molex plug with the blue cable on mine, is +24 regardless of color. The lower is ground. Not sure if it would toast it if reversed, but why risk it...