Pretty soon, even the stuff on the slow boat from China will be more expensive, should the government increase the importation tariffs?
Can or would USA companies start producing some of these parts again if the market was completely taken away from China? They've got it down so well that parts were quite inexpensive. Now, costs have risen considerably, even from China.
There used to be multiple stores near me in Southern California to buy parts: MarVac, OrVac, Fry's electronics, and of course the old original place for me... Radio Shack, back when they had an entire sections/rows dedicated to parts.
I feel importation tariffs should be increased for some products but that should only occur when there are already US companies ready, willing, and able to start up production. Chinese production had been optimized for a global market. Can the USA do the same thing? If so, how long will it take? The more I write, the more complicated this gets!