You need to have a diag key...
If it boots with a diag key, it's working. It's the only diagnostic tool for AVP's to test these things.
Anytime you put a bootable usb diag key in, the system will always boot from it. It sounds like the SSD is bad.
If I had to guess, if you plugged in a diag key with the ekey, the diag would come up fine.
But without the diag key you can't tell much. You got a POST beep so that's good. But you should clear NVRAM and Safe Storage with a diag key at minimum. If it still doesn't go past the splash screen I would clear the drive as well with the diag and reload the OS. If it doesn't load the OS, I'd put a new SSD in and clear everything, and load the OS. If the OS loads, everything else should be ok after that, such as loading game files and such.
But given a new SSD is like $20, I wouldn't waste the time. I would just put a new SSD in, clear everything, and load the OS.
Really doesn't take a lot of time, but you need to have the right files and tools to do it.