Originally posted by knagl on 3/8/2010:
To convert .flc animation files (from Paint Shop Pro or other sources) to Mikohn .mik files for a Mikohn Supreme display, you can do so in Windows XP, but not directly through the Mikohn Windows Download program. You must simply run a special program from the DOS command line (that's how I'm doing mine on an XP computer).
If you already have the Mikohn Windows Download software installed, search your computer for fli2mik.exe and, for simplicity sake, create a new folder on the root of the C drive called "convert". Copy the fli2mik.exe file to the "Convert" folder.
Put the flc file that you want to convert into that folder.
Go to a DOS prompt via [START] > [Run] > cmd [enter]
Change to the directory with the files -- type CD\convert
Run the conversion program from the command line by typing the following:
fli2mik sample.flc sample.mik
(Program name, existing FLC file, name of MIK file to be created)
The conversion program will start and display the animation (very quickly) in an endless loop. Press [ESC]. You'll be back at the DOS prompt, but will be unable to see the cursor. Type the word "exit" (no quotes) and press [ENTER]. Look in your "convert" directory -- your converted MIK file will be there!