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Author Topic: Mikohn Progressive Meter Error Codes  (Read 12632 times)

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Mikohn Progressive Meter Error Codes
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:44:10 AM »
Gathered from previous posts from belbenchtech, hotslot101, Ozzy, and others.

Mikohn Error Codes (pre-1998);

There are two general categories of error codes;
Display & Controller.

Display error codes;
C1 Display has lost communication with controller.
    Perhaps a broken wire or unplugged.
C2 Current value too long for display.
    Parameters incorrectly set.
C3 Verify error on data written to RAM on LED logic.
    Jackfile too long?
C4 PROM limit overflow. (Jackpot value exceeds fixed limit in PROM.)
    Error in current jackpot value? (Too many digits/symbols.)

Controller error codes;
$C.10 Controller checksum failure.
         Usually associated with stand-alone or slave component.
$C.11 Bad reception. (Over 20 over-run framing errors.)
         Usually caused by loose fiber connector.
$C.30 Slave controller does not detect master controller.
         Improper switch setting on controller?
$C.31 Slave polled but not acknowledged (more than 20 failures).
         Error in fiber system. Check all fibers.

*from Mikohn Technical Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 1

Code   Description
C1   Communication loss controller to display
C2   Value too long for display on current programmed JP
C3   Test pattern written to RAM on logic when read back has been corrupted
C4   PROM limit overflow. The current jp value exceeds the fixed limit value in the EPROM
C8   Sentinel Timeout (CHAMII, v3.02 only)
C9   Loss of configuration (CHAMII only)
C10   Checksum of a value in the controller has failed

Code   Description
C1   Communication Link is down
C2   Metered Amount is too large to fit in window
C5   In MultiLink mode: Jackpot Token is not set to 8 in JPOT.DO file (PSP Message Programming)
C10   Progressive is not set up (use PSP to initialize progressive)
C12   Current Amount is greater than Limit
C14   The selected Machine Serial setting is not supported
C15   Progressive not set up correctly (Base>Limit or Base>Current or Hidden>Limit)
C52   In MS10 Machine Serial setting: A serial machine has gone off-line

Code   Description
C11   Fiber bus communication error in the UART. Over 20 errors have been received from the fiber bus
C12   Programmed JP limit is less than current JP
C13   Over 20 errors have been received from the Tandy 102 or other laptop
C14   Slot machine interface communication error in UART. Over 20 errors have been received from the slot machine interface
C15   Power up JP limit failure
C16   Power brown-out
C17   RAM signature error
C18   Hidden JP (Minimum Value) is equal to or greater than the JP limit (Maximum Value)
C19   Current JP is greater than the JP limit (Maximum Value)
C20   Random Jackpot System Only – Coin-in Buffer
C21   Digit overflow
C30   Slave controller does not detect a master controller
C31   Slave being polled but has not been acknowledged after 20 retries
C32   Slave resend RAM failure
C33   Slave has ACK’d more coins than possible
C34   Master’s fiber pass through has failed after three attempts
C50   MULTI-COM is not responding
C51   Transmission/reception failure
C52   Serial Transmission/reception failure
C53   Serial machine Mystery Pay is not available
C54   Bally MultiComm error: Bad CRC

C55   Bally MultiComm error: Non BCD value
C56   Bally MultiComm error: Invalid group ID
C58   Bally MultiComm error: Wrong sequence number
C59   Bally MultiComm error: Invalid machine ID
C60   Event driven bonus not available.
C61   Event driven bonus Threshold value is 0
C77   Database error
C80   Slave controller does not detect a master present on a Random Bonus game
C81   Slave coin buffer overflow
C82   Random coin matrix buffer overflow
C83   Random coin buffer overflow
C84   Denomination multiplier overflow

Code   Description
C10   RAM failure is caused by bad checksum or wrong data type
C11   Fiber port serial error
C12   Jackpot group limit error: Current >Limit
C13   Programming port serial error
C14   Serial machine port serial error
C15   Power-up limit failure
C16   Power failure
C17   RAM signature failure: Causes complete factory reset
C18   Jackpot group limit error: Minimum exceeds Limit
C19   Jackpot group limit error: Random
C20   Random coin-in buffer error: Non-BCD value
C21   Digit overflows: a result was larger than 10 digits
C22   Battery backup data recovered ok
C23   Payout amount does not exist in pay-table
C24   Pay-table is invalid: Payout weights do not add up to 100%
C25   Increment value is too large: Value> 0.100 000 00
C26   Machine denomination mismatch
C29   Controller’s password has been expired
C30   Fiber time-out: Slave has not been polled
C31   Fiber time-out: Slave has not been acknowledged
C32   Slave re-sends RAM failure: Bad checksum or wrong data type
C33   Slave has acknowledged more coins than possible
C34   Master’s fiber pass through has failed after 3 attempts
C35   SIB power-up reset

C36   SIB false jackpot
C37   SIB false jackpot canceled
C40   Merchandise controller: Bonus mode is active
C41   Merchandise controller: Bonus mode is inactive
C42   DCU controller: Jackpot queue is overflow, clear jackpot queue
C50   Bally MultiComm time-out: MultiComm not responding to poll
C51   No serial machine is on-line
C52   Serial machine or SIB has gone off-line
C53   Serial machine Mystery Pay is not available
C54   Bally MultiComm error: Bad CRC
C55   Bally MultiComm error: Non BCD value
C56   Bally MultiComm error: Coin buffer overflows
C57   Bally MultiComm error: Invalid group identifier

C58   Bally MultiComm error: Wrong sequence number
C59   Bally MultiComm error: Invalid machine number
C60   Gaming Device: General Tilt
C61   Gaming Device: Power Up Reset or Game Reset
C62   Gaming Device: Coin In Error
C63   Gaming Device: Coin Out Error
C64   Gaming Device: Game RAM or EPROM Error
C65   Gaming Device: Bill Validator Error
C66   Gaming Device: Hopper Empty or Hopper Error
C67   Gaming Device: Reel Tilt
C68   Gaming Device: Reset During Payout
C70   Gaming Device: Game Door Open
C17   Gaming Device: Game Door Close
C72   Gaming Device: Drop Door Open
C73   Gaming Device: Drop Door Close
C74   Gaming Device: Bill Door Open
C75   Gaming Device: Bill Door Close
C77   Machine ID RAM failure: bad checksum or wrong data type
C80   Slave indicates no response from master
C81   Slave coin-in buffer overflows
C82   Random coin-in matrix overflows: more than 99 coins
C83   Random coin-in buffer overflows: more than 9999 coins
C84   Denomination multiplier overflows: result > 9999
C90   Single/Multi-Link: Controller mode is corrupted.
C91   Single/Multi-Link: Jackpot Group number is out of range
C92   Single/Multi-Link: Duplicated machine number
C93   Single/Multi-Link:Link Number is out of range
C94   Multi – Site: Jackpot coin-in contribution is already reported
C95   Communication between SIB - - Gaming Machine is off
C96   Communication between SIB - - Gaming Machine is on
C97   Communication between Controller – SIB is off
C98   Communication between Controller – SIB is on
C99   Auto-Polling Error: Coin-in values lower than previous poll
« Last Edit: October 09, 2023, 10:39:12 AM by knagl »
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