A bunch of the NLG members used to meet in the parking lot, go for breakfast, swap parts etc.
I flew in once when I lived in Pittsburgh - took my son (16) on an overnight trip, just the two of us as I had a ton of airmiles.
- its not a huge show, not a lot in terms of slot stuff - mostly antique mills and the like, the year I went down I never saw a slot stand for sale.
There were way more parts for old Juke Boxes, pinballs galore, and other misc "collectables"
My son had fun playing the pins, I met up with some friends from the forum so the trip wasn't a total bust but I was pretty disappointed and would not call it a "slot show".
I have dealt with John at....
https://www.casinosuppliesandservices.com/He has all sorts of tables, slots stands, chairs, carpet etc.
I don't think he has much in actual slot machines.
So if your looking for slot parts I would suggest using one of the vendors on this site (links on the home page) and they will treat you right.
You can also call Scotty at NLG - number is on the home page and he might be able to help source something.